Best Practices Identified at the UAA Wisconsin Safety Summit Dec 6th & 7th 2018
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WDOT Compliance & Safety Know the regulations Nothing should be a surprise, no one is trying to trick you Level 2 inspections is what you had to do for your CDL, nothing more If you don’t know, ask (608)267-9762 - Manned by compliance review board, are knowledgeable, will call you back, will find the answers Don’t take shortcuts Chains worn? Get new ones Chains too long? Get new ones Should I strap this one down? YES Is your fire extinguisher secured? What if the vehicle rolled?
WDOT Compliance & Safety Recognize Hazmat Gas cans are hazmat, secure them Welding cylinders Be responsible for yourself If you see something on your walk around, report it. You decide who you work for Set Reminders Most common violations are expired registrations and insurance cards
Mitigating Risk in a Perceived High Risk Environment Debriefing – Post Work Prepare for the worst case scenario Have a contingency plan Near Miss/Good Catch Reviews Permission to Fail Learn from the experience of failure Bad decisions create experience which then allow for the good (best) decisions Everyone no matter how much experience has Stop Work Authority Do not perform faster than your experience allows Recognize your own limitations Acknowledge change no matter how small and adjust (Change Off Normal) Safety is a shared responsibility across all work site members Plan
Chainsaw Inspection Maintenance is Safety You can’t be safe if your equipment is not maintained Well maintained equipment gives you good you a good attitude and makes working safely Filing your chain increases productivity and decreases down time Fuel, air filter and oil filter Good ergonomics is long term safety PPE – Productivity Gear Tongs Chainsaw pants Hard Hat always on Good Communication Whistles
Herbicide / DATCP Important of communication prior to application and after Identification of Organic Farms Use appropriate buffer around organic farms Application Documentation Always document start and stop times on record Identify mixing and loading sites for any mixture > 5 gallons or 50 lbs of dry product Move to electronic herbicide application records Be knowledgeable about the product you are applying Employee training and customer/landowner training Discuss and UNDERSTAND the product during tailgate/job briefing
Herbicide / DATCP Have a spill cleanup kit anytime you are applying herbicides Be prepared for winter spill response Have enough or appropriate access to enough water for inadvertent exposure Identify public areas that may require signage after application Are food sources available in public areas? Read and understand the label to determine the appropriate PPE Inspect your equipment thoroughly before the spray season begins Practice without herbicide prior to using herbicides Check PPE and Equipment prior to each use Always be prepared for a DATCP Inspection
Human Performance Human Performance is not the end result it is how you get to the end Key aspects of Human Performance Safety Working Efficiently Working without incident Pride in your work Everyone going home Positive Attitude Recognize time pressures Invest time in a proper Pre-job Safety Briefing Communication!!! Paid to follow the rules Have a questioning attitude Everyone has Stop Work Authority Positive feedback
Lessons Learned Good communication is a key component to working safely Responsibility with safety starts with yourself Treat everything as if it were a critical task which leads to good safety culture Everyone is obligated to use stop work authority Inspection and maintenance of gear is essential Our industry is adapting to recognizing time pressures
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