Interactive Notebook
Interactive Notebook Great study tool Organization of all class materials We will have frequent notebook checks where I will look for bell work. Remember to always date your bell work. Students will use for Comprehensive Midterm and Final Exam if requirements are met
Dividers One should be labeled “bell work” Another should be labeled “Unit notes”. Notes are recommended but not required. Notes may be typed and printed or hand written. PowerPoints may not be printed and used as notes. You can use as many dividers as you want to separate notes into different topics, but this is not required.
Creating A Cover You will use your notebook to take notes, draw pictures, complete assignments and express yourself on topics dealing with material covered in class. But the cover is so boring!! It ís up to you to spice it up! Your cover will be a reminder that you are serious about doing your best.
Content Content: Your cover should have the following basic elements in writing somewhere on the cover and easily readable: The name of your course: 2. The words: Interactive Notebook 3. Block 4. The school year: 2018-2019 5. The Teacher: Mrs. Dodson 6. Your name (at the front right bottom)
Visual Content: Information Thumb through your textbook or utilize the Internet to identify at least two (2) careers in which you are interested. Draw or use magazines, or print images from the Internet to illustrate the two careers or areas within the design of your cover. Labeling may help your design.
Personal Information Identify at least two aspects of yourself as a person or as a student and place it on the cover. If you are a skateboarding expert, use the skateboard as a symbol for yourself. If you play the violin, use the violin as a symbol for yourself and include it in your cover design. The symbol can be your favorite thing, a hobby, or something special about you.
Cover Assignment Use your creativity to develop a cover you can be proud of. It can be in mixed media, which means you can use photos, crayons, magazine cut-outs, and construction paper in combination to create a cover that reflects your interests. Or maybe you are a computer graphics artist and want to include your own hand drawings as well. Just be sure you have the required content.
Due Friday, January 11 Good luck! Possible Points- 100 points 20 visual appeal 20 class information 20 images/symbols 40 points- completed on time (10 pts. deducted each day the assignment is late) Good luck!
Sample of Cover Sample #1 Using the information given, what grade should the two examples Receive (if turned in on time)? Sample #2
Glue or Glue Sticks? Liquid Glue will hold better but can be messy- most students use way too much and glue their pages together. Rem.– “A Little Dot of Glue”
7 Word Autobiography I want to know more about you. You will create a 7-Word Autobiography on your second page. Auto- Self Bio- Life Graph(y)- Record Wordle is a great tool!