Designing Effective Graphics Using MATLAB The Cain Project in Engineering and Professional Communication ENGINEERING SERIES
The Purpose of Using Graphics In your own problem solving As part of design As analysis of operating data For persuasion and interpretation Dramatize relationships Promote identification Make complex information accessible
Criteria for Good Graphics Purpose clear? Pattern and arrangement lead eye without distraction? Similar items grouped and indicated? Graphic hierarchy consistent? Fonts legible?
Criteria for Good Graphics (contd.) Critical components defined? Essential calculations behind claims shown? Any significant reference or standard omitted? Presenters’ expertise demonstrated?
Types of Graphics in Matlab Line graph 2D 3D
Types of Graphics in Matlab • Column or bar graph
Types of Graphics in Matlab Pie graph Shows “whole to part” relationships
Types of Graphics in Matlab • Ribbon graph
Select Right Type of Graphic What Is Your Purpose? Problem solving? Persuasion and interpretation? Who Is the Audience? What are their backgrounds? What do they want to know? What Is the Context? Presentation? Report/Paper?
Context Affects Graph Qualities Presentation Big titles, labels, etc. Can use any color Can use animation Report Smaller titles, labels, etc. Often just black and white Animation impossible
2D Plot Tips Use the best line style/size for the situation. Think about the best placement of legend/key. Incorporate error bars, if necessary. Use gridlines sparingly.
An Example You have: You are asked to: Vector 1: x(0:0.2:10); Vector 2: sin(x); Vector 3: cos(x); You are asked to: Plot sin(x) vs. x and cos(x) vs. x in the same figure. Customize the figure so that it is suitable for presentation.
A Simple Matlab Program clear all; X=[0:0.2:10]; sinx=sin(x); cosx=cos(x); plot(x,sinx,x,cosx); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title([‘sin and cos Functions']);
Default Plot Given by Matlab
We Want … Titles and labels bigger Lines thicker Colors more contrasting Key data points visible Legend or labels close to lines
How to Get What We Want
Open the Property Editor
Edit Figure Properties
Edit Axes Properties
Edit Line Properties
So Far, A Better-Looking Figure
Insert Legend
Edit Legend Properties
Insert Y Grid Line
Final Version!
Frequently Used Functions “plot” “xlabel”, “ylabel” “title” “xlim”, “ylim” “axis” “legend” “errorbar” Type “help xxx” in Matlab command window for detailed information on the usage of the function xxx.
Other 2D Plotting Commands “loglog”: graph with logarithmic scales for both axes. “semilogx”: graph with a logarithmic scale for x-axis and a linear scale for y-axis. “semilogy”: graph with a logarithmic scale for y-axis and a linear scale for x-axis. “plotyy”: graph with y-tick labels on the left and right side.
A Whole Lot More … 2D contour 3D plots Movie “contour” “contourslice” “mesh” “surf” Movie “getframe” “movie”
Plotting in Excel
Selecting Chart Type and Inputting Data
Adding Labels and Selecting Location
What do we need to change?
Formatting your Chart
Adding a Trendline
Formatting the Data
Editing the Line and Markers
Formatting the Font
Final Product!
Other Features Logarithmic axis Select the axis you want to change Right click or select the “Format” option in your toolbar and select “Format Axis” Click on the “Scale” tab Check the box marked “Logarithmic Scale”
Lead through Excellence in Engineering Communication More resources are available for you under “Engineering Communication” at Connexions at at the Cain Project site at in your course Communication Folder in OWLSPACE.