What Really Happens To Your Teeth? Amelia Moore 11/14/14 Mr. Gorden
Question What beverage stains your teeth the most?
Background The reason I picked this project for the science fair is because my mom works at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. She wanted to show me what the effects of drinking certain beverages are on your teeth. This proved to me why she doesn’t allow me to drink certain things. I used eggs because their outer shell components are similar to human teeth. Therefore I wanted to see what beverage stains your teeth the most?
Variables Independent variables: The type of beverage, the amount of time the egg stays in the beverage Dependent variables: The amount of stain on the teeth Controlled: The amount of the beverage, the type of beverage, the size of bowl the eggs are in
My procedure You need to get all of the desired beverages. You pour in 1 cup of each beverage in the same size bowl for all. You begin with five empty eggs per bowl. You take out one egg per bowl each day. You record your data onto a paper as well as the time you removed the egg. Repeat for five days.
What time I took the eggs out of the beverage 11/09/14 11/10/14 11/11/14 11/12/14 11/13/14 11/14/14 Water 7:01 pm 7:02 pm 6:59 pm Diet Pepsi 7:03 pm Pepsi 7:04 pm 7:00 pm Mt. Dew 7:07 pm 7:05 pm Orange Crush 7:09 pm 7:06 pm Sunny D 7:10 pm Coffee 7:11 pm 7:08 pm
What the eggs looked like everyday Day 1 Observation Day 2 Observation Day 3 Observation Day 4 Observation Day 5 Observation Water Still same color as started Still same color as started Diet Pepsi Dark brown Darker brown Darker brown, color sinking in cracks Darker brown, color sinking in more color Dark brown, color sinking Pepsi Darker brown,color sinking in cracks Mt. Dew White/lime color, very little amount of bubbles Little more bubbles, same color Same color,same texture Darker color, a little more bubbles Darker color, some bubbles Orange Crush Some bubbles, Same color started with Little more bubbles, same color,peeling looking Darker color, more of peeling looking, some bubbles Darker color, chipping looking more, some bubbles Darker color, Chipping looking, little more bubbles Sunny D A lot of bubbles A lot more bubbles than 1st day Darker color, more bubbles, rough texture More bubbles, darker colors Darker color, Bubbles Coffee Light brown Darker orange/dark brown color Darker color, color sinking in cracks Darker color, color sinking in more cracks Dark color, color sinking in more
My hypothesis My hypothesis was that Mountain Dew would stain the teeth the most. I thought this because my mom said at her work they put a light over your teeth which shows beverage stains. My hypothesis was incorrect because the darker the beverage, the darker the stain. I believe the increased staining on the eggs was due to the food coloring used in each beverage.
What I learned I learned that you should avoid drinking dark beverages daily. If you do drink them more than 3 times a week you should brush your teeth twice a day. In addition, I learned the darker the beverage, the darker the stain.
Problems/Potential Changes One challenge with my project was having to make sure that every egg was removed the same time as the first day. Otherwise, nothing else went wrong. I would not have done anything differently. I liked the way I designed my project.
To prevent To prevent teeth staining you can do a couple of things. First, you can brush your teeth twice a day. Also, you can drink your beverage through a straw so it doesn't touch your teeth.
Done by: Amelia Moore