Soo Nevison CEO CAB&D Richard Jackson CEO VAL ABCD – what is it? Introduce self to room Ask them to do very quick intro – name and organisation – Talk about LCRIC and how we work with Yorkshire Sport and the things we have done to date (Richard) Soo Nevison CEO CAB&D Richard Jackson CEO VAL
‘Asset-based community development draws upon existing community strengths to build stronger, more sustainable communities for the future.’ ‘…considers local assets as the primary building blocks of sustainable community development. Building on the skills of local residents, the power of local associations, and the supportive functions of local institutions,
What makes a ‘community’ work? Talk about how people define communities differently and this context might be about a non-traditional community eg basketball family not where I live On tables get the groups to think about what makes a community work – get them to list things
Me and my ‘community’ In pairs/threes: What was the activity/event/action? What actually happened? What outcomes have you achieved? 10 mins to discuss Feedback – depending on the number in the room either all feedback or just a selection
‘Categories’ Back to question one – from those elements can we group or categorise them? If we do how are they grouped Talk it through – draw To, For, With, By on flipchart
Definitions By the community - service/activity designed, led and delivered by the community to itself (supported by service providers where needed) With the community - service/activity designed by a service provider and the community together with delivery normally led and delivered by the provider but involving the community (e.g. as volunteers) For the community – service/activity designed, led and delivered by a service provider often following consultation with the community To the community – service/activity designed, led and delivered by a service provider based on their knowledge of what the community needs (e.g. hospital, waste disposal)
Resourcing the ‘categories’
Future resourcing
The ‘Shift’ How do we move from one model to the other? Discuss on tables about barriers/ways to change things Do we have to fundamentally change our behaviour? What about ‘people’ and their behaviours?
Sport solutions? Discussion about how sport fits into ABCD model and how we can use it moving forward
Sports Solutions What can the community we work with achieve by using their own assets - BY? What can they achieve with their own assets if they get some outside help - With? What can’t be done using their our assets so must be done by outsiders – For and To? What role could you play in supporting ABCD We have found that powerful neighborhood associations follow 3 steps in doing their work. It is the asset-based neighborhood development process. This process does not start by asking, “What are or problems and what outside institutions can fix them?” Instead, the ABCD process always begins by asking. “What is our vision and what asset do we have to make that vision come true?”
Go to the people; Live among them Learn from them; Love them Start with what they know Build on what they have; But of the best leaders when their task is done The people will remark “We have done it ourselves.”
Thank you! Soo Nevison Richard Jackson FREE resources and more background reading…. ABCD institute Nurture Development