ComplexSentencesComplexSentences To write well, express yourself like the common people, but think like a wise man. Using a Complex Sentence as a Transitional Device will add Sentence Fluency, Organization, and Maturity to your writing
ComplexSentencesComplexSentences Complex Sentences as Transitional Devices A subordinate clause begins with a subordinating conjunction and is followed by a subject and a verb. Although Kayleigh broke her foot because I didnt go to bed A subordinate clause does NOT make sense by itself. Complex Sentence Review ANY sentence with a subordinate clause is a complex sentence even if the subordinate clause comes after the independent clause (complete sentence).
Write On! IMPORTANT: You need to be able to recognize subordinating conjunctions. after although as because even though until before since so that unless when while ComplexSentencesComplexSentences To write well, express yourself like the common people, but think like a wise man.
ComplexSentencesComplexSentences Complex Sentences as Transitional Devices. Instead of a transitional word, use a complex sentence. When using a complex sentence as a transitional device, make sure the subordinate clause is at the beginning of the sentence. Using a complex sentence to move from paragraph to paragraph adds maturity to your writing. Complex sentences can also replace a justifier transition. Use a combination of complex sentences and transitions throughout your essay.
ComplexSentencesComplexSentences Example of Complex Sentences used as Transitions Because individual customers have a choice where to eat, they are responsible for problems with obesity. People have the ability to choose to go to Nami Japanese Restaurant and eat fresh sushi, or they can cross the street, go to Pizza Hut, and get a greasy pepperoni pizza. A majority of Americans would choose to go get the pizza. For example, once I was with a friend and his family after we had seen a movie, and everyone was debating where to go eat. I chose to stay neutral so that I didnt get involved. At the end of it all, Pizza Hut won the competition. When consumers have the choice between healthy food choices and yummy fast food, they are going to choose the food that tastes better. Obviously, the consumers are responsible for problems with obesity. Transition Justifier Transition Justifier sentence Main Idea
ComplexSentencesComplexSentences Transition Justifier Transition Justifier sentence Main Idea Because consumers decide not to go home and make themselves a nice home cooked meal, they are at fault for the problems of obesity. Around six out of ten children get a nutrious meal from home, where they get to relax and have dinner with their family. Parents are usually strict about what their kids eat, up until the point when the kids get annoying and naggy. After too much whining, parents start to not care. Also, the parents might get into the habit of eating fast food as well, then it becomes a regular routine every day and that is how the problems begin. Although individuals are more responsible for problems with health and weight, this can be changed quite easily with diet and exercise. Example of Complex Sentences used as Transitions
ComplexSentencesComplexSentences Transition Justifier Transition Justifier sentence Main Idea Since Reality TV is unpredictable, many people enjoy watching it. One time my family and I were watching American Idol. Suddenly, someone ran on stage and started screaming. Everything was so hectic and crazy no one could predict what would happen next. Also, many shows have the audience help choose the winner such as in Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, and Americas Best Dance Crew. Research shows that millions of people voted for the last winner on American Idol. With so many peoples opinions added up, no one can predict what will happen next. Since Reality TV has no script, it leaves you wondering what will happen next. Evidently, with Reality TV you can never know what might occur next. Example of Complex Sentences used as Transitions
ComplexSentencesComplexSentences Transition Justifier Transition Justifier sentence Main Idea After a rough day at school, it is always fun to watch the antics on Reality TV. Were not laughing at you, my granny always says, were laughing with you. In other words, everyone enjoys laughing at someone who has done something humorous. One time my friend and I went to the local carnival. Singing wasnt one of her best talents, but she wasnt quite aware of that. We set her up for karaoke and laughed the night away. We all know deep down we love people being set-up in embarrassing situations. Because everyone enjoys people making fools out of themselves, Reality TV is a hit. Example of Complex Sentences used as Transitions