Design Review 2/21/2001
Harlan Mitchell, Intel Corp. Team Information Team SCRAT: Phil Dudas Bryan Schnebly Sponsor: Harlan Mitchell, Intel Corp.
Introduction Problem Definition Project Description Design Methodologies Architecture Views Research / Design Decisions Test Plan Schedule Update
Problem Definition Requirements gathering is time consuming Each new tool requires a new station controller Each individual user will have different functionality the SC needs to provide Requirements gathering is a time consuming process in software engineering, and it is no different for station controllers. SC developers have to produce an SC for each new manufacturing tool to be used in a Intel facility. Each tool has a user, and each user will need different functionality to use the tool efficiently.
Project Description Goal: Help station controller developers gather requirements SCST (Station Controller Survey Tool) SC developers feed SCST questions SCST produces executable for tool users Tool users answer questions, sending results back to SC developers CSCP (Customizable Station Controller Prototype) Tool users manipulate a clone of real SC The finished custom SC will be used by SC developers to provide the desired functionality
Design Methodologies SCST CSCP We will use the classic Waterfall method Reason: Requirements well known CSCP Waterfall with Prototyping Reasons: Requirements may change (new SC under Development) Highly GUI-centric program
Architecture Design Overview SCST Functional View Logical View Data View CSCP
SCST Functional View Works like a Wizard Users step through questions Functionality: Forward Back Load Save Finish
SCST Logical View Parser QuestionList Saver QUI SCSTDocWriter Reads input question file, creates QuestionList QuestionList Contains questions and answers Saver Writes questions and and answers for parser to read QUI Question User Interface (the “Wizard”) SCSTDocWriter Writes a “pretty” text file of answers for SC developers
SCST Data View Questions Radio Checkbox Text Answer is one of the input choices Checkbox Each option is either selected or not Text Users enter a text response
CSCP Functional View
CSCP Logical View GUI TextFieldList MenuItemList DemoScript Drag and Drop TextFields and MenuItems TextFieldList List of TextFields in Prototype MenuItemList List of MenuItems in Prototpye DemoScript Instructions to simulate real operation
CSCP Logical View (cont’d) Reader Reads files of saved prototypes Saver Writes the prototype to a file for later user CSCPDocWriter Writes a “pretty” text file to document the users custom prototype
CSCP Data View Prototype TextField MenuItem Consists of TextFields and MenuItems TextField Has name, position, and size properties MenuItem Has name, and location properties
Structural and Physical Views The tools each stand alone, so there is no interaction with the outside world Physical Same with the physical view, they run on a single computer
Research Languages: Issues Considered: Visual C++ Visual Basic Java 2 Drag and Drop Possible web deployment File I/O
Design Decisions Language: Java 2 Availability Familiarity Satisfied language requirements Output text files in lieu of Word format Separate components (SCST and CSCP) Design as a stand-alone app, leave room for web implementation
Test Plan Unit testing System testing Usability testing During implementation System testing After integration Usability testing After other tests
Schedule 1/15 Research Phase Complete 1/31 Architecture Complete 2/12 Design Phase 80% 3/5 SCST Impl. 10% 3/28 CSCP Impl. 5% 4/11 Testing 0%
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