Innovation & Entrpenuership Learning & Teaching in a Global world Lessons from the Foxholes of Innovation June 22nd 2016 Digital Education Innovation & Entrpenuership
23 Global Installations Electronic engineering notebooks Internet based materials in 1993 Electronic engineering notebooks Single sourced training materials Integration of central & local content 23 Global Installations Training Curated content Collaboration tools
123k Agents 700 Franchises "Keller Williams is a training and coaching company that happens to be in the business of real estate." Launched 2003 Growth of 2-3k Agents per month 12 Franchises per month Action based learning
13 Countries Innovation Readiness Series 13 Countries Mentor model Technology model 3k + students Russian & Spanish translations Commercialization Programs India Innovation 281 M in 1st 6 years Gyeonggi Program Engine for SMEs to pivot US market focus
BASE Project Current Status: Funding & Grants Faculty projects Norwegian partners: UiA & HiB Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania … Current Status: Funding & Grants Faculty projects Innovation Opportunities
Q&A Discussion…. What
THANK YOU Thank-You! @drdonnakidwell Thank-You! @drdonnakidwell
Meanwhile… 25M in VC Funding 10K Tuition per year Companies see education as a new open market, both in the US and Globally Some text here 25M in VC Funding 10K Tuition per year Courses entirely online in small cohorts Accreddited with US partner university Still has dorms and student life in 7 different cities!