Silver Online Training Game Template Quiz Show Game


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Presentation transcript:

Silver Online Training Game Template Quiz Show Game

TGI Online Training Game Instructions for Customer Template This file is designed to be completed in edit or input mode, and not in PowerPoint slideshow mode. (Not sure? Press ESC to exit slideshow mode and {PgDn} to view all slides.) This is NOT the complete game. It is a game template designed so that you, our customer, can provide us with the game questions, additional slides/graphics, and optional features you would like included in your online training game. TGI will combine the information and slides you provide to us with other game elements (scoring, animations, music, navigation buttons, etc.) to complete and send the game to you. We’ve tried to make this template as easy to use as possible, but if you have questions, just call us at (602) 750-7223 or e-mail us at By the way, you may have noticed that if you click into this notes section, you have to click out of it again to advance to the next slide by paging down.

Tips on Completing the Template Slide notes are provided at the bottom of EACH screen for additional information about completing each slide. After inputting information for the user defined options you’ve selected (blue slides below), edit the Game Title, Rules and Game Category slides. Then proceed to enter your multiple choice or true false questions as well as any informational slides, placing each slide in the order you want them to appear in the game. (Note: Informational slides allow the presenter to include additional information about the question just presented. A navigation button will be created in the completed game to move from the question to this slide and back again). You can also change any of the slide backgrounds as desired, but keep in mind our supplied backgrounds have been designed to “fit” with the game’s conceptual theme. When placing graphics or changing slide design consider that we will be placing navigation buttons at the bottom of most slides. Besides the navigation buttons and the theme graphics we later add, your slide information will be duplicated exactly as submitted, so be sure to review them carefully prior to submission (content, spelling, grammar). 3

Silver Online Training Games Includes up to 30 Questions and/or Information Slides Any combination of 30, i.e. – 20 question slides & 10 Info slides Standard Defaults No points awarded or deducted for incorrect answers Question Point Values are pre-set in this Template No question timer (Player has as long as needed to answer) Correct/Incorrect Message Correct = “Congratulations, you answered correctly” Incorrect = “Sorry, that answer was incorrect” Five User Defined Options Log In Label (i.e. – Name, employee ID) Report Sent to either Email or Server Pass/Fail Percentage # of Answer Attempts Allowed Ability to Password Protect Game Animated Finale Slides With Background Music and TGI Graphics

TGI Online Game Instructions for Customer Template Blue Slides: Here is where you provide us with the required user defined options included with the game. Red Slide: Steps for placing an order. Graphical Game Slides: Here is where you enter your quiz questions and/or informational slides. You can have up to 30 questions and/or informational slides in this silver online training game. You determine the number and location of each slide in this template. Make duplicate slides as needed. Also any other slides like the intro, rules, board or finale slides can be edited to your needs. Note: We have placed 20 question and 20 information slide formats within this template for your convenience. You may have any combination (i.e. 25 question slides and 5 information slides) up to a total of 30. For Question/information slides required above 30 you can either move up to our Gold Level using this same template (40 total Question/Information slides) or purchase additional Question/Information slides from our website at $10.00/slide. 5

(Click 3X on the {Enter HERE} text and begin typing) User Contact Information This info is required Please provide us your contact Information below: Name: {Enter Here} Org. Name: {Enter Here} Phone: {Enter Here} Cell: {Enter Here} E-mail: {Enter Here} (Click 3X on the {Enter HERE} text and begin typing) 6

(Click 2X on the {?} text and begin typing) Reporting Options All of our online games are LMS (SCORM) compliant. TGI does not provide any network or programming support; and assumes no responsibility for integrating our games with your network. Mark an X in only one box and complete the options listed for it: {?} Option 1 – No Reporting. Good for providing a review or material where you do not need confirmation of completion or comprehension. {?} Option 2 – Email Reporting. This option should be used to receive user reports via e-mail. This is not a secure reporting option as the user must press the send button in their email client to forward the email to you. We suggest you use a dedicated email address to receive these reports. Email report is the same data as the standard report. {Enter One Email Address Here} {?} Option 3 – Standard Server Reporting. TGI will provide sample PHP code and instructions to have all games reported to a TXT file on your server. This file can be imported into Excel. This is the system of reporting that TGI uses on their website. TGI has tested this code but cannot assume responsibility for making it work on your system. See reports on the next slide. (Click 2X on the {?} text and begin typing)

Screen shots of reports Standard Server Report Text File and Imported into Excel Note: The Email Report contains the same data but is not accumulated like the Standard Server Report.

User Defined Options This info is required LOGIN OPTION Default is “Name” This is the first screen game participants will see when they log into the game. The Log In Label will let them know exactly what information you want them to provide. Here are a couple of examples: NAME, NAME/DEPT, NAME/ASSIGNMENT, NAME/EMPLOYEE #. This, and other information, will be included in the report to your server or e-mail you receive after participants complete the game online. Note: There is an option to add a password to this log in screen, if so desired. If you wish to have a password, you’ll have an opportunity to provide it to us shortly. Label: {Enter Here} (Click 3X on the {Enter HERE} text and begin typing) 9

User Defined Options This info is required OPTION Default is no password required. Require a password. To require a user password, enter the password below. If no password is entered then none will be required to play. Note: Passwords are case sensitive. Password: {Enter Here} (Click 3X on the {Enter HERE} text and begin typing) The password will be the same for ALL participants logging into the game. Passwords are case sensitive. 10

User Defined Options This info is required PASS/FAIL PERCENTAGE OPTION Default is 70% Indicate the percentage you want to determine who passed or failed (i.e. – 70%). This will be automatically calculated as a percentage of the total points available in the game. Value: {Enter Here%} 11

User Defined Options This info is required OPTION Default is one attempt per question. Change the number of attempts per question. If you want to allow your players to have more than one try to answer each question correctly, enter the number of attempts you want players to receive. Choice: {Enter Here} Multiple answer attempts DO NOT change the game’s scoring results. Thus regardless if the player gets the correct answer on the first, second, or subsequent attempts, the points awarded will be the same. In addition, the number of attempts needed to answer correctly, are not reflected within the final game results report.

User Defined Options This info is required OPTION Default is the #1 Animated Finale. Review the different Animated Finale slides available in the flash file on the site and enter the number of the Finale that you would like added to your game. Choice: {Enter Here}

PLACING AN ORDER Complete this file including questions and additional information slides desired; and all user defined options. Save this file as a different name. If you have any question about the process or this file, call Our Sales Dept. at (602) 750-7223. Go to and purchase your selected online game along with any additional slides over 30. Send this completed file to We will verify receipt of payment and your game template via e-mail and immediately begin the development of your game. Within 10 days the completed game will be emailed to you as a downloadable link. 14

Are you ready to edit your game slides… Game Announcement, Logo & Login Rules Intro (Animated or Static) Home Question Slides (Multiple Slides) Information Slides (Multiple Slides) Finale (Animated or Static) Scoreboard *An optional email instruction slide will be added if email option is selected. Games contain 6 base slides; and multiple question & information slides based on the level. Question or information slides can be placed anywhere in the game. Bronze level includes 6 base slides and up to 20 question/info slides. Silver level includes 6 base slides and up to 30 question/info slides. Gold level includes 6 base slides and up to 40 question/info slides.

Game Announcement, Logo and Login Slide Enter any other information you want to communicate to users at the start of the game. You can also include your organization’s logo here. Leave space for the login area. Enter any title information you want included in the game as well as any graphics or organizational logos. Save room at the bottom of this screen for log on text and entry box as well as room to enter a password if selected. Login Area

When a question appears, click on the correct answer only. Rules Slide Rules The objective is to pass this quiz with at least a score of 70%. Questions are presented in sequence and the point value is stated on the top of each question. Harder or more important questions have higher point values. Keep playing the game until you pass. NOTE: Change rules to reflect your selected options. Edit any rules you want to apply to the game. Edits on this screen MUST reflect the selections you’ve made in regard to pass/fail percentage and number of answer attempts. You can also add “RULES” text if you’ve opted to penalize for incorrect answers or timed out questions. TGI will be reviewing your rules to ensure they coincide with your selections. When a question appears, click on the correct answer only.

Intro Slide Do NOT modify this slide. This is a placeholder only. Introduction Slide Intro Slide Do NOT modify this slide. This is a placeholder only. The Intro will be an animated intro for all levels. See the sample game for this slide.

A button will be added in production to start the questions. Home Slide NOTE: As part of this template, the home slide will be animated on the Quiz Show for all levels. A button will be added in production to start the questions. This is the Home slide. A button will be added to start the questions or information. It will be animated in the actual flash file. 19

This question worth 1 point Enter which answer is correct above Question Slides NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 1 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 20

Additional Information or Exercise Additional Information Slides Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 2 points Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 2 points Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 22

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 3 points Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 3 points Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 24

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 1 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 1 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 26

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 2 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 2 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 28

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 3 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 3 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 30

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 1 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 1 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 32

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 2 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 2 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 34

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 3 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 3 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 36

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 1 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 1 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 38

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 2 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 2 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 40

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 3 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 3 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 42

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 1 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 1 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 44

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 2 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 2 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 46

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 3 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 3 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 48

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 1 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 1 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 50

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 2 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 2 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 52

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 3 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 3 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 54

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 1 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 1 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 56

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

This question worth 2 point Enter which answer is correct above NOTE: Enter question and possible answers. Make sure to enter which answer is correct in the yellow box. This question worth 2 point Multiple choice question or true/false statement here… Possible Correct Answer One Possible Correct Answer Two A Enter which answer is correct above Enter a multiple choice question or a true/false statement in the question textbox provided. In the answer textbox enter each possible answers. To add additional MC letter choices (C,D,E), place the cursor at the end of last answer (B) and press “ENTER”. IMPORTANT: Be certain to enter the letter of the correct answer in the small YELLOW box on the left. For True False questions, make A, True, and B, False. Indicate the correct response in the yellow box (A or B) as well. Note: These slide designs, backgrounds and graphics compliment the games conceptual theme. You, however, may opt to change the design format or add non-animated graphics to your question or informational slides. We, at no additional charge, will replicate such changes into your online game. Note: If you find you require additional question or informational slides over and above the 30 offered in the Silver level, you can either upgrade to the Gold Level (40) or additional slides can be purchased on our website ($10.00/slide). 58

Additional Information or Exercise Include before or after a question with information or an exercise. Can also include graphs or images. Enter additional information which expounds on or better explains the relevance of the previous question. This is an important learning and retention technique, and we encourage using additional information slides whenever possible. The game itself serves to hold the participant’s attention; after all, they are trying to pass or win. The additional information serves to allow the participant to process the information and associate it to previous learning. Include title, text, graphs, and/or pictures. TGI will later add a continue button to the slide to advance to the next slide when the participant is ready.

Finale Slide Finale Slide This slide can be modified to be your finale or at the silver and gold level you can elect to have an animated finale placed here. This slide is merely a placeholder, and will be where your selected finale will go.

OPTIONAL EMAIL SLIDE Game Over An e-mail addressed to the game administrator will now automatically appear with the results of this game. Click on the send option then close your email program to return to the game. On return you’ll be able to review your score or replay.

Congratulations! You have completed the game. Scoreboard Slide Congratulations! You have completed the game. Place holder slide for showing the results to the player. Leave the bottom part of the slide blank if you edit the text on top.