Podcasts in STEM modules October 2018 Richard Treves, Michael Collins Learning Designers LTI
Podcasting Opportunity Definition: Audio or video that has an RSS feed downloads to your phone/laptop without you doing anything Podcast use rising steadily Focus group work suggests students think it is a useful format Audio close to a podcast: TM255 (planned), T324
Podcasting 4 uses Alternative format for content material Accessibility, old use 08/09 Outreach. Similar to OpenLearn. Student feedback or production Summary material Radio ‘magazine’ format ‘bolt on’ addition Student hub live/Radiolab?
Plan Research: Existing use of ‘podcasts’ and audio Existing servers (Kmi) Produce example tied to s209, test on ex S209 students. How did they use it? How easy was podcasting software to use Outcome: Encourage and support publishing of podcasts related to STEM modules.