Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) California CAT Assessments and other CAASPP Assessments 2014-15
By the end of this workshop, attendees will know how to schedule and administer the SBAC Tests using appropriate procedures, including security.
(With additional support) you will manage data and utilize the Test Organizations Management System (TOMS) to identify and document students that need designated supports and accommodations.
(With additional technical support) you will ensure school testing devices (Chromebooks, Macs, iPads, PCs, etc.) are set up correctly.
Overview 2014-15 PSUSD Grades 3-8 and 11: All Students (12,800) PSUSD SBAC exemptions: California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) ELs attending US schools for less than 12 months – for the E/LA test only. Math is still required.
Five Key Outcomes Management of TOMS Technology Schedule Administration Security
Registration - TIDE CDE PSUSD CALPADS TOMS (1) Student Demographic Data CDE CALPADS System (3) Designated Supports and Accommodations TOMS (2) Student Registration
Inter-Connectivity Instruction Technology Facilities and Maintenance Communication Resources/Costs “Smokejumpers”
Five Key Outcomes Management of TOMS Technology Schedule Administration Security