Jess Thompson, Program Administrator Accessible Technology Initiatives


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Access360: Developing a Shared Framework to Support Institutional and System Level Change Jess Thompson, Program Administrator Accessible Technology Initiatives WA State Board for Community & Tech Colleges

Objectives Explore how community and technical colleges in WA State are tracking and measuring progress implementing accessible technology policies using Access360 and NCDAE’s GOALS tool. Demonstrate how the GOALS tool helps the State Board uncover patterns in progress and barriers as the system colleges work to implement accessible technology policies and thereby improving and redirecting system support based on the data collected.

State Board for Community & Tech Colleges Led by a nine-member governor-appointed board — SBCTC advocates, coordinates and directs Washington state’s system of 34 public community and technical colleges.

Washington CTCs About 374,000 students, roughly 150,000 FTE. 7,300 teaching faculty. Up to 40% of FTE are in online courses. Online enrollments continue to rise even as overall enrollment is down.

WA Higher Ed Accessibility Landscape State Board Accessible Technology Policy reinforced existing legal requirements (approved March 2016). WA State OCIO Accessible Technology Policy (approved August 2016) established coordinator roles and deadlines for plans (due Dec 2016 - June 2017). Both policies raised awareness and provided momentum, but increased questions (and anxiety) about how to meet requirements. AMY

The State Board Challenge Colleges needed framework and support faster than we could create it. How to provide guidance for 34 unique “snowflakes” with different: stages of progress regarding accessibility governing structures executive level support numbers of eLearning/DSS staff involvement from IT, Communications, etc. AMY Cato’s Challenge In response to SBCTC policy – we formed CATO but then the OCIO policy required quick action and results -Shoreline already beginning the work -Whatcom –already had a accessible IT procurement policy -other colleges just created an Accessibility workgroup this month! Smallest college – (Avg FTE’s - 5 3000 students and largest has

The College Challenge So. Many. Silos. Fearless (go it alone) leaders Resistant (resentful) leaders High interest + Low power, High power + Low interest No/limited resources

Jess’s Personal Challenge “Light touch” guidance Colleges “discover” ideas – more ownership Get people/departments talking to each other Platform for reaching all areas How to define and track “progress”

Access360 Yearlong mentorship opportunity for cross-functional campus teams. Participation helps campuses create (or strengthen) how their cross functional team works collaboratively to ensure successful implementation of accessibility policies; find time, space, and a framework to develop a realistic plan; receive scheduled support and accountability. And we give them $5,000 - $10,000 JESS

2018 Cohort 10 colleges 1,639 – 11,834 FTE (4,200 avg) 2 districts 2 colleges in 2nd year of Access360

Access360 Requirements Fall Winter Spring Form workgroups/teams 1st round of self study Fall Convening Develop workplan Winter Implement workplan Campus visits Spring Spring Convening 2nd round of self study Submit reflection and next year’s workplan

Access360 Selection Criteria Workgroup with representation from: Information Technology, eLearning, Disability Support Services, Instruction, Public Information/Communications, and Business Affairs. Executive level sponsorship. Evidence of sustainable practices that support accessibility.

Gaining Online Accessible Learning through Self-Study (GOALS) NCDAE’s GOALS Tool Gaining Online Accessible Learning through Self-Study (GOALS) Where Are You The first section of the tool guides you through a series of questions to compare your institution against proven indicators of web accessibility. Where You Need to Be You are then provided detailed charts and analysis comparing your current web accessibility standing to recommended practices. How to Get There Finally, specific tools and resources are provided as you are guided through making a detailed plan of action to improve your web accessibility standing.

GOALS Indicators Commit Implement Support Assessment Leadership Support & Stakeholder Involvement Implement Policy Development & Implementation Plan Support Allocation, Personnel, Budget, Training, Procurement Assessment Progress, Outcomes, Improvement

GOALS Self Study

Reports GOALS tool generates Benchmark Report – copy of survey responses Action Plan – broken down by indicator Administrative Report – captures changes and progress over time.

2017-18 Findings

Commit Institution-wide web accessibility is best attained and sustained when there is leadership to support … from many levels including an institution’s governing board, administrators, and key personnel. Each must actively support, participate, and take ownership in the work and outcomes of accessibility.

Implement Web accessibility requires strategic planning. Administrators must establish policies and procedures along with a systematic plan to develop, institute, and maintain web accessibility across the organization.



Reflecting Back & Looking Ahead Executive level sponsorship is vital. Reaffirmed need for centralized support around procurement and testing. High value on peer to peer learning. Resources/Questions? Don’t forget to provide an evaluation: