Refresh Your Memory Independent clause Dependent clause Coordinating conjunction Subordinating conjunction Has a subject and a verb, and it can stand alone as a sentence Has a subject and a verb, but it cannot stand alone as a sentence; also referred to as a subordinate clause Joins together independent clauses (FANBOYS) Joins together a dependent and independent clause (AAAWWWWUUBBIS-T)
Simple Sentences A simple sentence has one independent clause and no dependent clauses. Even a simple sentence can be elaborate. It may have a compound subject or predicate, or it may included phrases. Formula: S + V (subject + predicate) Combine the following subjects (left) and predicates (right) to make 4 simple sentences. The rain My sister’s friend John The day lasted forever stopped falling moved to California likes mystery books.
Compound Sentences A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses joined together, but no dependent clauses. The clauses must be close in thought/related. They may be joined by a coordinating conjunction (with a comma) or by a semicolon. Formula: IC + , cc + IC or IC; IC or IC; transition, IC Combine your simple sentences from the previous slide to create two compound sentences. Write your examples in the space provided.
Complex Sentences A complex sentence has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Possible formulas: IC + DC or DC, IC or I (DC) C Combine the following dependent (left) and independent clauses (right) to create 4 complex sentences. before we go to the store if I get all As because they beat Oklahoma when my sister drives we need to make a list my parents will buy me a new phone Georgia is going to the national championship my mom is always nervous
Compound Complex Sentences A compound complex sentence has two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Possible formulas: DC, IC, cc + IC or IC, cc IC + DC Combine two independent clauses with a dependent clause to make a compound-complex sentence. Ex: If I make the basketball team, I will have practice four times a week, but I will still have to keep up with my homework.