Let's Play "What's the Question" Remember each question will be in the form of an answer and you must respond with a question. GOOD LUCK Here are the categories
Scheme Terms
The Design Recipe
Compound Data
And The Answer Is…
Scheme Terms The Design Recipe Compound Data And The Answer Is… Errors Templates $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Syntax is to computer languages as this is to English. $100
What is grammar? $100
cond, else, and define $200
What are keywords? $200
Refers to the meaning of programs. $300
What is semantics? $300
( + x 5 ) is an example of this. $400
What is an expression? $400
Variables that follow the first variable in the header? $500
What are parameters? $500
(define (f x) …) is an example of this. $100
What is a header? $100
Provides the name of the function as well as its input and output data types. $200
What is a contract? $200
The last step of the design recipe. $300
What is running the tests? $300
For a function involving compound data, this is the first step. $400
What is data definition? $400
This step provides an opportunity to think through the computational process of a function. $500
What are examples? $500
make-boa is an example of this. $100
What is a constructor? $100
A selector for the following structure (define-struct dillo (weight alive?)) $200
What is dillo-weight or dillo-alive? ? $200
(cons ‘Bob (cons ‘John empty))) is an example of this. $300
What is a list of symbols? $300
Daily Double
symbol? is an example of this. $400
What is a predicate? $400
These are actually selectors for lists. $500
What are first and rest? $500
(number? (make-posn 2 3 )) $100
What is false? $100
(first (cons 10 (cons 20 (cons 30 empty)))) $200
What is 10? $200
The value of (cond. [(< x 5) ‘RED]. [(> x 5) ‘BLUE] The value of (cond [(< x 5) ‘RED] [(> x 5) ‘BLUE] [else ‘GREEN]) when x = 3 $300
What is ‘RED? $300
Value of Y given the following: (define X 4) (define Y ( * 2 X)) $400
What is 8? $400
(rest (rest (cons 10 (cons 20 (cons 30 empty))))) $500
What is (cons 30 empty)? $500
(define (f) x (+ x 1)) generates this type of error. $100
What is syntax error? $100
empty? (L) generates an error. Give the corrected code. $200
What is (empty? L) ? $200
Type of error in the following: (define (f x) ( / x 0)) $300
What is a run-time error? $300
(draw-solid-disk make-posn (100 100) 50 ‘blue) produces an error (draw-solid-disk make-posn (100 100) 50 ‘blue) produces an error. Describe the cause of this error. $400
What is misplaced parenthesis? $400
A program that never ends has this. $500
What is an infinite loop? $500
Number of cond lines needed in a function that consumes an animal that is either a boa, dillo or ant. $100
What is three? $100
A template for a function consuming this data type should include constructors, selectors and predicates. $200
What is a structure? $200
first and rest appear in templates for this data type. $300
What are lists? $300
The template for this date type is self-referential. $400
What is a list? $400
Used in templates for functions consuming mixed data types, this type of operator determines what type of data is being processed. $500
What is a predicate? $500
Final Game Question Purpose of Function
The purpose of the function, f1 (define (f1 lon). (cond. [(empty The purpose of the function, f1 (define (f1 lon) (cond [(empty? lon) 0] [else (+ (first lon) (f1 (rest lon))]))
What is “To determine the sum of a list of numbers”?
And the winner is…..