Welcome to Back to School Night! Room 111 Mrs. Hamburg
Reading Textbook: Pearson- website www.pearsonrealize.com- students can access through their Power School account or the app on their iPads. Reading Strategies will be taught through textbook, novels, short stories, drama, poetry, and non-fiction material. Curriculum aligns with P.A. Core www.pdesas.org Independent reading
Writing Embedded through reading and independent practice, as well as the Daily Bell Ringer. We will do a variety of writing pieces throughout the year. Students will compose persuasive, narrative and informative pieces. Students will also be writing responses to their reading (Text Dependent Analysis) .
iPad Use Students will be required to bring their school issued iPads to class each day and home each night to be charged. IPads will be utilized daily in the classroom and will be used for both Formative and Performance assessments. Not having an iPad or an iPad not being charged will count as an unprepared for class, and three times unprepared will result in a lunch detention
iPad Use (Continued) Please know that iPads are for INSTRUCTIONAL use only. Students will be expected to store their iPads under their chairs whenever they are not being used in class. If a student is using an iPad inappropriately (a minor infraction) the following system will be utilized: 1. Warning 2.Take iPad until end of class 3. Parent Contact/Loss of privilege to use iPad for amount of time (to be determined by the teacher) A student who is in violation with a major infraction will be handled by the administration.
Daily Bell Ringer Each day, at the beginning of the class period, students will complete a bell ringer on their iPads. Students are required to complete the assignment as soon as they enter the classroom. Bell Ringers include grammar corrections, writing prompts and short review questions on concepts learned in class. Bell ringers will be randomly selected to be graded for a maximum grade of five points each, and will be graded on completion only. If a student is absent on a day that is randomly selected they will be exempt from that assignment.
Independent Reading Each child is required to read at least 300 pages per marking period. They can choose how many books, as long as it equals 300 pages. Students will need to take an A.R. test on their book at the end of the marking period. This will be worth 25 formative points. The score received on the test will be the grade they receive.
Homework The purpose of homework is to practice skills already taught in school. Students are expected to read one book per marking period. Other homework will be assigned to reinforce skills we are learning in class. Homework is checked daily. It counts for 10% of students’ grades. It is graded for effort, not accuracy. Homework is posted on my website under the staff page of the Penn’s Grove website.
Grading Homework: Any late submissions will receive zero credit. Formative Assessments: Any late submissions will receive zero credit except for quizzes that can be made up by the end of the marking period. Performance Assessments: All tests and quizzes can be made up throughout the end of the marking period. Projects, papers, presentations that are one day late will result in a 10% deduction. Anything after one day will result in a 50% deduction and can be made up until the end of the marking period.
Communication I feel it is a team effort to help your child be successful this school year. I will send mass emails through my distribution lists for important tests, assignments and upcoming events. All homework and long term assignments are available on my classroom website. Feel free to contact me by email at khamburg@oxfordasd.org or phone 610-932-6615 Check Power School weekly to keep updated on grades.