Biomolecules Molecules of Life.


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Presentation transcript:

Biomolecules Molecules of Life

The Chemistry of Carbon Carbon is the most versatile element Can form up to 4 bonds at one time. Carbon may also form bonds with other Carbons allowing for unlimited chain lengths

The Chemistry of Carbon May form 3 types of bond bonds with other Carbons Single – Double = Triple ≡ Can even fold over forming rings

All compounds can be classified into 2 broad categories: Organic compounds- Contain carbon (C) and hydrogen(H) atoms Inorganic compounds- Can have one or the other, but do not contain both carbon(C) and hydrogen (H) atoms Most of your body’s molecules are organic compounds.

How are biomolecules made? Monomers connect to form polymers Monomers Polymer H2O H2O H2O H2O Mono = One Poly = Many H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O

How are biomolecules made? Macromolecules are built from small organic compounds the same way a railroad train is built, by linking a lot of smaller units together into long chains. Large carbon compounds are built up from smaller simpler molecules called monomers (mono = one )

How are biomolecules made? Monomers can bind to one another to form complex molecules known as polymers (poly = many) A polymer consists of repeated, linked units, which can also bind forming large polymers called Macromolecules. (macro = large )

How are biomolecules made? Monomers link to form polymers through a chemical reaction called a condensation reaction or dehydration synthesis.  During the formation of polymers, Water (H2O), is released or is a by-product of the reaction. 

How are biomolecules made? Monomers Polymer H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O

How are biomolecules broken down? The breakdown of some complex molecules, such as polymers, occurs through a process known as hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is the reverse of a condensation reaction.  The addition of water, to some polymers can break the bonds that hold them together.

There are four main types of macromolecules found in living organisms: Types of Biomolecules There are four main types of macromolecules found in living organisms: Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins

Exit Ticket Fab 5 elements 4 Biomolecules 2 terms for the removal of water to form a polymer Term for the opposite reaction (addition of water to break down a polymer)

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