The Creation of the Universe Study One In the Beginning The Creation of the Universe
Study Two The Dispensation of Innocence From the Creation of Man to the Fall and Expulsion
Study Three The Dispensation of Conscience From the Expulsion from Eden to the Flood
Study Four The Dispensation of Human Government From the Flood to the Dispersion of Babel
Study Five The Dispensation of Promise From the Call of Abraham to Egyptian Bondage
Study Six The Dispensation of the Law (part 1) From Mount Sinai to Mount Calvary (Mount Sinai to the Division of the Kingdom)
Study Seven The Dispensation of the Law (part 2) From Mount Sinai to Mount Calvary (The Division of the Kingdom to Captivity)
Solomon’s Kingdom Divided
B. The Northern Kingdom of Israel Jeroboam. The ten tribes. Nineteen kings.
C. The Southern Kingdom of Judah The two tribes. Nineteen kings.
D. Babylonian Captivity The siege of Jerusalem. The prophets of the captivity.
E. The Fall of Babylon The great image. Invasion by Cyrus.