Risto ivanov , PhD, CMC®, PMP Project manager Presentation of Project : BEST- Profy Best practice exchange of evaluation standards towards professionalization - Moving Forward with the Global Evaluation Agenda IOCE Information Session Webinar 4th of August 2016 Risto ivanov , PhD, CMC®, PMP Project manager
Organization name/ Abbreviation Partners Organization name/ Abbreviation Status Country MCA 2000/Macedonian Evaluator Network VOPE MACEDONIA Department for monitoring and evaluation in Macedonian Government Government body Montenegro Evaluation Network MONTENEGRO Western Balkan Evaluator network VOPE NETWORK SLOVENIA Evaluation Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA
Long term Goals Meeting with Ministry of economy Macedonia The Project overall goal is to better enabling environment through cooperation on regional level and development of WBEN evaluation standards for profession evaluator. First Level cooperation between VOPEs and national evaluation bodies to assess existing practice and to identify the good practice on national level. Second level of cooperation will be among four VOPEs- project partners to discuss and accept common evaluation standards as credentials in strengthening VOPEs institutional capacities and professionalization of individual evaluators Regional meeting WBEN –Presentation of VOPEs
BEST profy objectives, activities and outputs To identify and select the best-good practices in evaluation from Western Balkan countries Activity 1 :Criteria for identification best practices: Output: template Submission form Act 2 :Invitation for cooperation and submission of best practice Op: 35 submitted good practices Act 3: Organization of four promotional events : 60 organizations and 150 participants Act 4 Preparation and printing of best practices brochure in Serbian- Croatian – All outputs included men-evlautors.weebly.com To discuss and establish the high level of evaluation standards by WBEN Act 1: 1st Regional Conference for policy evaluation in WB- 70 participants,( 50% women and 15 young evaluators) Act 2 Two regional metings of WBEN ; Outputs: Initiative for introduction for own professional evaluator standard- WBEN- PES; Minimum competneces for M& E
1st regional Conference for Evaluators WB, Sarajevo 28-29.10. 2015. Regional meeting WBEN , Sаrаjеvо 27.10.2015 god 1st regional Conference for Evaluators WB, Sarajevo 28-29.10. 2015.
Promotional event Macedonia –Skoplje 21.12.2015
Promotional event and WBEN Meeting Montenegro- Podgorica 10-11.03.2016
Sustainable results During the project Established 4 (four) partnerships on national level for cooperation between VOPE and national authority body for evaluation ; Organization of 4 events for presentation of national best practices in evaluation; Organization of WBEN regional meetings for regional best practices in evaluation and select 20 of them (5 from each VOPEs). Printed brochure with all presented best practices Initiative for introduction for own professional evaluator standard- WBEN- PES; and prepared; Minimum competneces for M& E Web page After the project Meeting with UN representatives for MSG Invitation to apply with the projects for parliamentarian cooperation Training programs for M& Ev; Agenda for introduction of professional evaluator standard- WBEN- PES First WBEN meeting in September 2016 Formalization of WBEN Procedures for professionalization and WBEN-PES issuing
Positive lessons learnt (+) National VOPEs has different agenda about strategic priorities evaluators from WB Countries but are willing to cooperate on the topics for professionalization of M&E Positive response from national authorities although the donors are more active and undertake initiatives regarding M&E The WBEN has potential to promote Evalpartner Agenda Partners VOPEs raised awareness about M&E in their countries What would be different More focus to given on the Eval partner agenda ; Grouping the topics about best practices and organized separate events ; Each partner to be responsible for coordination of minimum ne activity