Updating of Methodological Guidance on Art. 6(3)&(4)


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Presentation transcript:

Updating of Methodological Guidance on Art. 6(3)&(4) NADEG meeting 22/5/2018 Fotios Papoulias DG Environment, Nature Protection unit

Background Guidance document published in 2002, covering general process and concepts, screening, AA (information, impact prediction, COs, mitigation), alternatives, compensation, review package AP – under Action 1: “Update the methodological guidance on Article 6(3) and 6(4) of the Habitats Directive on the permitting requirements for plans and projects likely to have a significant effect on Natura 2000 sitess, also addressing issues relevant for the Projects of Common Interest (PCI) under the Trans-European Transport and Energy Networks (TEN-T/TEN-E)” Contract signed for technical support (contractor: adelphi, partner ATECMA)

Key tasks Review current guidance and identify elements for updating/completion (scoping), on the basis of: Findings of Fitness Check (i.a. strategic planning, early screening, streamlined environmental assessments, cost- effective approaches) Evaluation of EU Court of Auditors, Sectoral guidance documents, Literature, Jurisprudence Consultation of MSs & stakeholders/practitioners Case studies Proposal for updating, in consultation with MSs/stakeholders (incl. NADEG, CGBN) Final output: Revised guidance, with examples (and video) Translations and promotion/dissemination events

Consultation Aim: identify key issues and challenges related to the assessment and permitting procedure under Art. 6(3) & (4) Target groups: MS authorities, economic sectors, NGOs, practitioners Topics covered: Methods/tools on main steps in Art. 6(3) & (4) process (screening, AA, cumulative effects, decision-making, alternatives, IROPI, compensation) Knowledge/information sources, capacity/skills, coordination/streamlining, strategic planning – AA of plans, consultation/dialogue Use of currrent guidance / suggestions Good practices Timeframe: Questionnaire sent out 16/4, replies by 31/5

Work planning Ongoing: scoping and consultation phase (coordination with species and wind-farm guidance) September 2018: first draft updated guidance document 29- 30/10/2018: Ad-hoc NADEG meeting November 2018: Possible additional written comments - revision End 2018: Final draft Early 2019:Adoption by Commission