1.17 Comparing Characters’ connections to a theme
Teaching point Today I want to teach you that readers can think about theme by comparing how different characters connect to the theme.
Teaching Closely Connect to Theme Somewhat Connect to Theme Far Away From or Against Theme
Teaching Closely Connect to Theme Somewhat Connect to Theme Far Away From or Against Theme Kek Hannah Ganwar Dave Kek’s Aunt
Teaching What about characters that go against the theme? This character is an example of how NOT to be. The author has included him/her to show readers a foolish or immoral way of being. This character interacts with the main character mostly through conflict— and these conflicts help the main character figure out what he/she believes. This character shows how complicated life really is. It may be necessary to revise thinking about the theme to include this character’s point of view because the author takes this character very seriously.
Homework Revisit and revise your new theme statement Then turn back to the reading notebook page you created today. Look at your revised theme statement. Does it encompass that character’s beliefs, ideas, and feelings? If not, try to rewrite it again. Now test out your new, improved theme with a few other characters from your book. How do those characters relate to this revised theme? Does your theme statement incorporate those characters’ perspectives? If not, try writing another theme statement from their perspectives. All of this work will make for great conversation with your club tomorrow!