Leverage Energizers Full Portfolio to Address Different Device Needs & Economic Conditions Global Device Inventory Study Digital Camera Portable DVD player Portable computer Smoke Detector Portable Stereo Clock radio/clocks Smoke alarms Toy with motorised moving parts Remote control vehicle Wireless mouse Game Controller Toothbrush with disposable batteries Educational learning toy Electric shaver Digital Camera Portable video player Portable computer
2 Low DrainMedium DrainHigh Drain Eveready has a full battery portfolio that meets the needs of all types of devices
Camera & Photo GamingToysEntertainmentHome Digital Camera Video Game Electronic Game Wireless game controller (e.g. Wii remote). Toy with motorized moving parts Media Player Remote Control Portable DVD player Portable computer Smoke Alarm Devices most frequently powered by Lithium are High-tech & High-Use = Requiring more power. Digital cameras remain the #1 device, but Lithium is expanding into Toys, Gaming, Entertainment & Home use
Savvy Families In a hurry The Techies Chargers Common devices used Target consumers Energizer Compact Energizer Smart Energizer Value Eveready Value RECHARGE RANGE IN A NUTSHELL Come with pre-charged UNIVERSAL batteries Come with pre-charged EXTREME batteries Eveready Family Charger Energizer 1 Hour Energizer 15-min Energizer Flexible