Interacting with Others Your greeting helps you make a positive first impression on new acquaintances. A proper greeting is a social skill that comes naturally for some people but can be difficult for others. Anyone can develop the ability to properly greet others.
Interacting with Others Do’s and don’ts of interacting with others: Develop and practice a short elevator speech, which is a basic introduction about yourself. Stand up when greeting someone Smile and make eye contact Offer to shake hands Be prepared to meet people
Interacting with Others Shake hands when meeting someone
Improving Your Speech Besides judging you on your physical appearance, people evaluate how you speak. Your choice of words, pronunciation, tone of voice, and other characteristics reveal your background, level of education, and where you are from.
Improving Your Speech Do’s for improving your speech: Record yourself Practice reading aloud Avoid assimilation Mimic the news anchors Slow down Increase your vocabulary
Improving Your Speech Don’ts for improving your speech: Don’t think you can improve your speech habits without knowing how you sound to others Don’t practice your diction by reading aloud too quickly Don’t assimilate, or blend sounds together when you speak Don’t speak quickly, especially in a professional setting Don’t rely on vague terms such as “things” and “whatever”
Cleaning Up Your Online Persona The publicly searchable information about you makes up your online persona. A growing number of employers use the Internet to check up on their employees.
Cleaning Up Your Online Persona Steps for cleaning up your online persona: Search for yourself Eliminate negative material Dilute what you cannot remove Use privacy settings Create an anonymous persona
Technology@Work: Online Profile Managers You can use the following tools to manage your online profile: Google Profile ( Nomee ( Retaggr ( Your online profile only displays information you have added to it.
Technology@Work: Online Profile Managers Creating a Google profile Enter information you want others to know about you