1 / 20 Presentation on Use of Assistive Technology & Special Devices IGNOU - STRIDE Dealing Students with Disabilities: Workshop-cum- Training Programme
2 / 20 Presented by Mr. Prashant Ranjan Verma Manager DU-NTPC Foundation ICT Training Centre A comprehensive resource centre for Persons with Disabilities
Technology makes LIFE EASIER FOR PEOPLE. For persons with disabilities TECHNOLOGY MAKES LIFE POSSIBLE. Technology used to accommodate people with disabilities is called assistive technology.
4 / 20 What is Assistive Technology? Assistive or Adaptive Technology commonly refers to "...products, devices or equipment, whether acquired commercially, modified or customized, that are used to maintain, increase or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities...", - The Assistive Technology Act of 1998 (US)
5 / 20 Purpose of Assistive Technology & Devices Assistive Technology products can enable people with disabilities to accomplish daily living tasks, assist them in communication, education, work or recreation activities, in essence, help them achieve greater independence and enhance their quality of life.
6 / 20 Impact of Assistive Technology & Devices Assistive Technology devices can help improve physical or mental functioning, overcome a disorder or impairment, help prevent the worsening of a condition, strengthen a physical or mental weakness, help improve a person's capacity to learn, or even replace a missing limb.
7 / 20 Outcome AT promotes greater independence by enabling people to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing due to physical impairments.
8 / 20 Examples of Assistive Technology & Devices ?
9 / 20 Examples of Assistive Technology & Devices Low-Tech" Assistive Technology Wheelchair Prosthetic limb Crutch Automatic door Flashing doorbell Closed Captioning Optical Magnifier Braille Books-on-Tape High-Tech" Assistive Technology Computer-Assisted Captioning One-Handed keyboard Refreshable Braille Voice-recognition Screen Magnification Software Text-to-Speech
10 / 20 Assistive Technology for The Visually Impaired - Video Video showing use of various assistive technologies by visually impaired Title: Accessibility 2.0 Duration: 8 min Source:
11 / 20 Assistive Technology for The Visually Impaired What is the biggest impact of visual impairment on education? Inability to read and write using conventional methods
12 / 20 How Assistive Technology can help In Education of The Visually Impaired Braille books Audio books Digital Talking books Screen Reading Softwares Screen Magnification OCR – scan & read
13 / 20 Assistive Technology for The Visually Impaired - Demo Click & Read – TEXT SCOUT Mobile based OCR software that allows a blind person to read any print document such as a hotel menu, official letter independently.
14 / 20 Assistive Technology for The Visually Impaired - Demo Screen Reading Software - JAWS Ability to operate the computer independently. Read books, write reports, browse the web, send s …..
15 / 20 Assistive Technology for The Mobility Impaired - Video Video showing use of various assistive technologies by mobility impaired Title: We can because we think we can Duration: 3 min Source:
16 / 20 Assistive Technology for The Hearing & Speech Impaired - Video Video showing use of various assistive technologies by heading & speech impaired Title: iCommunicator Duration: 3.5 min Source: -
17 / 20 Real Life Examples – User stories Role of assistive technology in Education Mobility Independent living Vocation
18 / 20 Resources & Acknowledgements
19 / 20 Availability of Assistive Technology in India Karishma Enterprises, Mumbai Sparsh Products, Dehradun Access Ability Barrier Break Technologies
20 / 20 My Contact Information Prashant Ranjan Verma Ph : (Office) Presentation & videos available on