High School Mathematics Professional Learning Community March 29, 2011 Mathematics Update High School Mathematics Professional Learning Community March 29, 2011 2/24/2019
APPROVED SBOE Rule 160-4-2-.20 IDA (3) List of State-Funded K-8 Subjects and 9-12 Courses for Students Entering Ninth Grade in 2008 and Subsequent Years 27.04400 Mathematics Support I - from an elective (e) to a core/elective (c/e) course *This only applies to students who entered ninth grade in school years 2008-2009 or 2009-2010 or 2010-2011. 27.04500 Mathematics Support II - from an elective (e) to a core/elective (c/e) course 27.04600 Mathematics Support III - from a core (c) to a core/elective (c/e) course *This only applies to students who entered ninth grade in school years 2008-2009 or 2009-2010 or 2010-2011. 27.08300 Mathematics III-Advanced Algebra/Statistics - from a required (r) to a core (c) course *This only applies to students who entered ninth grade in school years 2008-2009, 2009-2010, or 2010-2011. Additional Mathematics Courses: 27.06200 GPS Algebra 27.06220 GPS Geometry 27.06230 GPS Advanced Algebra 27.06240 GPS Pre-Calculus 27.04700 Mathematics III/GHSGT Preparation 27.007700 Multivariable Calculus 27.05200 History of Mathematics 2/24/2019
CCGPS Precision Review Status Report K-12 Mathematics Advisory Council members are currently reviewing the recommendations of the precision review teams and RESA Mathematics Mentors. Advisory Council approval is anticipated by March 16, 2011. In the spring/summer of 2011, district and school level leadership will be provided with information sessions developed and delivered in collaboration with RESAs.
CCGPS Precision Review Status Report School year 2011-2012 will be focused on professional learning for K-12 mathematics educators. The mathematics team has coordinated with IT division representatives to develop the professional learning blueprint for both initial and ongoing professional learning opportunities. Race to the Top and Gates grants will target sustained and technology-enhanced professional learning and will provide the needed funding. Data analysis will direct decisions regarding the specific focus for professional learning. Educators will be provided with the curricular standards and maps at each grade level and/or course by summer 2011. Every mathematics educator will be able to participate in a fall 2011 orientation; plans are to follow up with grade level and course professional learning in the winter of 2012. We are working with IT to offer ongoing professional learning video clips for teachers as they progress through the course.
Next Steps Communication to Stakeholder Groups Professional Learning and Resources for Mathematics Educators Student Remediation and Support
Communication to Stakeholder Groups Next Steps Communication to Stakeholder Groups Curriculum Director Monthly Newsletters and Webinars Mathematics Supervisor Monthly Webinars Middle School/High School Educator Listserve Emails and Webinars extended to Counselors Communication of the specifics of the short term solutions to all who are impacted must be comprehensive and timely.
Professional Learning and Resources for Mathematics Educators Next Steps Professional Learning and Resources for Mathematics Educators Overview Webinar in Spring 2011 for educators Resource Packet provided in Spring 2011 to include standards for courses, course overview, framework units, and online resource availability Monthly update webinars for unit overviews, along with time to address questions and concerns, during the 2011-2012 school year Transition packets and a placement matrix for use with transfer students available in Fall 2011 Again, the mathematics educators who will implement the changes must be apprised of the specifics immediately. Resources and support mechanisms must be put in place immediately as well.
Remediation and Support Next Steps Remediation and Support Mathematics Project EXPRESS Online GHSGT Preparation – 2 week program Ongoing Teacher Support via webinars and email Correspondence Both teachers and students will continue to require our support. Teachers need to be aware of the foundations of mathematics which will enhance a student’s chance of success at a technical, 2 year or 4 year college. Teachers continue to need an opportunity to share successes and challenges…among them are the instructional experts of our profession and often listening to other educators prompts the implementation of additional classroom strategies to meet the needs of ‘struggling students’.
Mathematics Express: Summer 2011 Math is the only content area that will be offered this summer in face-to-face sessions supported by DOE. Express Schedule: Students - Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., June 13-24 Teachers – June 9-10 and 13-24, 2011, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Math GHSGT Administration: June 24, 2011 2/24/2019
Mathematics Express: Summer 2011 Maximum of: 40 sites statewide 125 teachers statewide 3125 students statewide (25 students per teacher) Teacher stipend of $3500 with a possible additional $500 goal award. Express host sites will each receive $3000 to use at their discretion. 2/24/2019
Mathematics Express: Summer 2011 Student enrollment/eligibility determined from March 2011 Math GHSGT scores of first time test takers in their junior year Students who participate in the Math GHSGT on June 24, 2011, CANNOT participate in the July 2011 administration of the Math GHSGT. Transportation funds for students will NOT be available from DOE for Express. 2/24/2019
Mathematics Express: Summer 2011 NEGA RESA host sites already volunteered: Jefferson HS (3 teachers nominated) Clarke Central HS (3 teachers nominated) Winder-Barrow HS (0 teachers nominated) Teachers from non-host sites can and should apply for teaching slots. Send nominations to: Pat Blenke at ablenke@doe.k12.ga.us Randy Lee at rlee@doe.k12.ga.us 2/24/2019
Summer Institutes Advanced Mathematical Decision Making DATES: June 6-10 OR June 20-24 TIME: 8:30 – 3:30 each day LOCATION: GaDOE West Tower – 10th floor Mathematics of Industry and Government DATES: June 13-16 AND June 27-30 2/24/2019
Participant Nominations by RESA Advanced Mathematical Decision Making Each RESA may nominate up to 4 participants for the June 6-10 session Each RESA may nominate up to 4 participants for the June 20-24 session **EXCEPTION: Metro RESA may nominate up to 7 participants for each session NOTE: Please maintain a waiting list of additional participants to be added after the deadline – April 22, 2011. 2/24/2019
Participant Nominations by RESA Mathematics of Industry and Government Each RESA may nominate up to 3 participants for the June 13-16, 27-30 session **EXCEPTION: Metro RESA may nominate up to 6 participants for the session NOTE: Please maintain a waiting list of additional participants to be added after the deadline – April 22, 2011. 2/24/2019
Travel Expenses for the Summer Institutes GaDOE will reimburse mileage and parking fees for all participants Participants who must travel more than 50 miles from home can be reimbursed for lodging Participants who travel more than 30 miles AND are away from home for more than 13 hours can be reimbursed for meals 2/24/2019
Honorariums Who is eligible? How much is the honorarium? When will the honorarium be paid? What are the conditions for each incremental payment? Who is responsible for documenting that expectations are met? 2/24/2019
Memorandum of Understanding Scope of Services: The Contractor will assist the Department with professional learning in connection with the implementation of the CCGPS Advanced Mathematical Decision Making. Specifically, the Contractor will: a) Participate in five (5) days of the summer institute on June 6-10 or June 20-24, 2011; b) Teach the Advanced Mathematical Decision Making course to at least one class of students during the 2011-2012 school year; c) Collaborate with local school personnel, local school system administrators, and Regional Educational Service Agencies (RESAs) to ensure quality implementation of CCGPS Advanced Mathematical Decision Making for the school years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013; 2/24/2019
Memorandum of Understanding d) As requested by local school systems or RESA and approved by the Department’s Program Coordinator and the RESA Mathematics Mentor, develop and present training for all teachers in the RESA region who will teach the CCGPS Advanced Mathematical Decision Making course during the school years 2011- 2012 and/or 2012- 2013. e) Maintain clear and positive communication of information and offer support to local educational agencies, schools, and teachers within the RESA region who are teaching the CCGPS Advanced Mathematical Decision Making course; f) Provide to the Department’s Program Coordinator and the RESA Mathematics Mentor in a monthly report, a log of training institute dates, the roster of educators participating in training institutes, and a log of detailed communication and support measures with dates and teacher contact information. 2/24/2019
Tentative Training Dates for NEGA RESA Mathematics Teachers Advanced Mathematical Decision-Making July 18-22, 2011 (5-day training) Rutland Academy Cafeteria 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. each day Mathematics of Industry and Government July 25-29, 2011 (8-day training) Rutland Academy Professional Learning Room 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Remaining three (3) days of training to be determined 2/24/2019