U.S.C.G.Auxiliary Flotilla 18-06 Orientation Meeting for Prespective,New and Old members Prepared by Ed Wanamaker-Flotilla Commander.


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Presentation transcript:

U.S.C.G.Auxiliary Flotilla Orientation Meeting for Prespective,New and Old members Prepared by Ed Wanamaker-Flotilla Commander

What does the Auxiliary offer you A chance to give something back to your country, and recreational boaters Free training in several different programs –all free-you supply the time Fellowship with your fellow members A chance to interface with areas civic associations and marinas

What does the Auxiliary expect from you Attend as many meetings as you possibly can Participation in a Auxiliary program Pitch in where ever you can, at Parades, Open Houses, Public appearances, Clerical support to the stations

Auxiliary Membership The requirements are as follows for all interested: Must be a min of 17 yrs old Must be a citizen of the USA Must be capable of passing the security screening process You do not have to own a boat or PWC You do not have to know how to swim

Auxiliary Structure Flotilla-Flotilla Commaner,Flotilla Vice Commander, Flotilla Staff Officers Division-Div. Commander,Div Vice Commander,Div.Staff Officers District-District Commordore,District Staff Officers,Assitant District Staff Officers National-Structure

Four Corner Stones of the Auxiliary Member Services Recreational Boating Safety Operations&Marine Safety Fellowship

What are the programs? Most popular is the Boat Crew program Land based training and on the water training during the season. Each task must be signed off by a mentor, land based tasks and on the water tasks Go on the water training as a trainee during our season for patrols ( 12 hours )

Boat Crew Program / Coxswain Once a qualified Boat Crew member you can work to advance your self to Coxswain. A coxswain in the boat crew program is in charge of the vessel he puts in orders for, he is responsible for the crews Safety & mission accomplishment, and vessel condition

Boat Crew Program/ PWC Operator Once a qualified Boat Crew member you can work to qualify as a PWC operator in the boat crew program, Specialized training is available. This again has set parameters for qualifying which require sign offs as in the other components of this program

Vessel Examiners ( VE ) On line study manual available On line testing available Once you have passed the online test, you must perform five supervised inspections under the supervision of a qualified Vessel Examiner There after five inspections must be performed by your self that and each year after

Vessel Examination Days at marinas The flotilla will schedule vessel exam days at various locations such as commercial marinas, private marinas and property owners marinas A group effort is required on these days to accomplish all the exams requested

Instructor ( IT ) On line study manual available On line testing available Once you have passed the online test you must perform two hours of actual instruction in a Public Education class,under the supervision of a qualified instructor, two hours per year there after to stay qualified

Public Education The flotilla public education department offers several different classes to the public and the membership Members pay only the cost of the text books Members immediate family can take a course at a discounted price

Public Education Venue Course available About Boating Safety course New York State Safety boating course Boating Skills& Seamanship GPS How to Read a Nautical Chart Navigation

Program Visitors This program fills the need for face to face interaction with the boating services and providers and recreational boaters To qualify you must pass a online test, study materials are available on line Once you have passed the test you are required to do two visits to a provider under the supervision of another Program visitor, two visits per year are required to remain qualified

Coast Guard Boat Crew Augmentation Once qualified as boat crew you may apply for Augmentation to the regulars with approvals from auxiliary and regulars You must in addition to auxiliary boat crew qualifications,meet all existing Coast Guard qualifications on each size vessel

Marine Domain Awareness Eyes and ears for the Coast Guard at unregulated marine facilities, boat ramps and marine supply establishments Land patrols,teams of two some are under orders others are not depending on the type of facilities being used Qualifications required,Auxcom,MDA orientation seminar, Vessel Examiner, Program Visitor

American Waterway Watch This Program is a outreach program to recreational boaters and costal residents We ask that if things are seen which do not fit into the norm for the area (only you know your area well) to report the incident or condition to the authorities in the area

As a Auxiliarist what is my roll in this program? American Waterway Watch We bring to the public the content of the program with literature and short announcements at public education classes and while doing vessel exams The program is discussed with the recreational boater at the time of the vessel examination. Program visitors are always talking to boaters merchants marina operators about the program and its merits and its functions

Fellowship The auxiliary prides its self on its fellowship endeavors in the flotilla and outside the flotilla Our flotilla holds one main event each year which is called the Change of Watch ( COW ).It symbolizes the change from present elected officers to the newly elected officers, also parades we take part in with civic groups and open houses.

Fellowship Continued The division asks the flotillas to sponsor open houses at the Coast Guard stations in our AOR ( Area of Responsibility ) Each flotilla runs a open house at a station with refreshments and displays for the public with boat tours at the stations,all in support of both the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary

Aides To Navigation - ATONS Auxiliary ATON verifiers inspect and report on patons ( private aides to navigation ) in the flotillas AOR ( area of responsibility ) To be come a ATON verifier,first must be a qualified boat crew member, attend a seminar on aton verification, perform a predetermed amount of inspections per year

Communications -Radio Auxiliary has its own network of radio communications for its radio facilities Inspection of fixed land and land mobile communications facilities Communications training available – course name is Auxcom,study material available on the web,testing is proctored and done by a qualified auxop member

Communications Services Web site construction and maintenance and updating on a daily basis. This is the main hub of our internal flotilla communications system embedded in the flotilla web site for flotilla business, this is available to all members

Flotilla Internal Communications Majority of communications on a daily basis is done via the internet, we urge all members to get hooked up into the net, if a member does not have a computer we advise that most local libraries have internet connections via their computer room setups available to all. Check your daily

Finance The pocket book of the flotilla, all revenue goes into this area all expenditures are paid from this area Main revenue is from public education course fees Charity disbursements are made from this department when requested Financial reports generated,monthly,yearly

Public Affairs Obtain publicity for the auxiliary Prepare and publish approved articles about the Auxiliary, its missions and activities Publicity about services offered by the Auxiliary for the public Follow up on perspective members and their views and concerns about becoming a member of the Auxiliary

Personnel Services Recruitment of new members Outreach events to promote awareness of the auxiliary Promote recruitment at public education classes,civic events,specical events

Information Systems This is the time keeper of all time records and qualifications records for all members. Records your 7029 & 7030 form entries into the auxdata system,forms will be explained in detail on the next few slides All this data even though it is data from volunteers relates to budgeting for the auxiliary at the top of the food chain

Watch Standers Members who man the Coast Guard Radio's at stations ( Primarily channel 16 ) In the Marine Safety program Watch Standers man the emergency number for pollution reporting and spill reporting Qualifications require holding the Auxcom qualification and extensive OTJ training

Member Activity Log Form number 7029 is used for all activities by a member other than mission specific duties shown on the 7030 form Example: Attending a flotilla meeting Traveling to and from an event Time spent on s & telephone calls

Activity Report - Missions Form 7030 is used to report your time on a specific mission. Example: Boat patrols P.E. Class Workshops

Training Available Extensive network of on line Training /testing through Auxiliary web sites Coast Guard InstituteDistance learning.proctored end of course test C-Schools Scheduled Classes held through out the USA,check the training website for dates and locations Conferences through out the USA

How do I find out about all this training Watch your s,visit auxiliary web sites specific to your interests, check on a regular basis Distance learning at your own pace Proctored test by C.G.ESO Officer

Auxop Program The AUXOP, or Operational Auxiliarist, program is an advanced training program available only to members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. An AUXOP member has completed the following six advanced specialty courses and is entitled to wear the special AUXOP device on the uniform. The AUXOP member represents the most highly trained Auxiliarist and is the "PhD." Individuals who have completed the AUXOP program are indeed experts in Auxiliary operations. They have little difficulty in completing the requirements of the Boat Crew program, and are well qualified to participate in the public education program. The Director of Auxiliary controls the examinations for the AUXOP Specialties. All of the examinations are closed-book, with a passing score of 75%.

Aux op Courses Self paced study Online proctored testing by aux op qualified proctor Courses-six courses Auxcom-Auxiliary Communications Auxsea-Auxiliary Seamanship Auxpat-Auxiliary Patrols

Aux op Courses-Con`t Auxsar-Auxiliary Search &Rescue Auxwea-Auxiliary Weather Auxnav-Auxiliary Navigation

Marine Safety M Programs – ment.internal affairs Prevention Outreach Division Port&Facility Activity Division Navigation Systems Division Vessel Activities Division

Marine Safety Continued Marine Domain Awareness Communications & Education Division Maritime Transportation Security Act

The Auxiliary Member Training and Qualifications Program for Support of US Coast Guard Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Programs The Trident Program

The Objective: Full Qualification in the Marine Safety Community

Purposes of the Program To provide baseline training and qualifications for members participating in the Auxiliarys Marine Safety and Environmental Protection program To standardize Auxiliary training and certification requirements in MSEP areas To prepare Auxiliary members to effectively support the Coast Guards M community

Trident Program Completion and Award Criteria for M Device The Auxiliary Marine Safety Device will be awarded to persons who complete all of the requirements of the three points of the Trident Program - Education - Service - Practical Skills (PQSs)

I. Education Requirements A. Introduction to Marine Safety and Environmental Protection (IMSEP) B. Advanced Course Group (ADV-) –Introduction to Marine Inspection (IIMI)** –Introduction to Port Safety (IIPO)** –The Incident Command System Course (ICS-100) –The Good Mate Course

A. Introduction to Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Provides introduction to CG and AUX MSEP activities –1. USCG Marine Safety Organization and Program –2. Auxiliary Support for the Marine Safety Program –3. The Marine Environmental Protection Program

A. Introduction to Marine Safety and Environmental Protection –4. Planning and Emergency Management –5. Port Security and Waterways Management –6. Auxiliary Program Management and Information Services –7. Member services training opportunities, awards and recognition

Introduction to Marine Safety & Environmental Protection On-line at:

B. Advanced Course Group 1. Introduction to Port Safety ** 2. Introduction to Marine Inspection** 3. The Good Mate Course (MEP) 4. The Incident Command Course (ICS-100)

1. Introduction to Port Safety Provides introductory knowledge for those entering the marine safety field who are assigned port safety, security, and/or response duties. Environmental response and investigation. Merchant vessel boardings Waterfront Inspections Marine Safety Information Systems (MISLE).

1. Introduction to Port Safety This Introduction is being reviewed and rewritten by TRACEN YORKTOWN It may be merged with the Introduction to Marine Inspection. Until this process is completed, subject material will not be a prerequisite for awarding of the AUX M-Device. Waivers may be granted on request.

2. Introduction to Marine Inspection Provides introductory knowledge for those entering the marine safety field who are assigned marine inspection duties. Merchant vessel certificates, documents and boardings. Marine Safety Information Systems (MISLE).

2. Introduction to Marine Inspection This Introduction is being reviewed and rewritten by TRACEN YORKTOWN. It may be merged with the Introduction to Port Safety. Until this process is completed, subject material will not be a prerequisite for awarding of the AUX M-Device. Waivers may be granted on request.

3. The Good Mate Course Provides information on various ecosystems that make up the marine environment. Describes sources of marine pollution and statutes for environmental quality. Describes impacts of recreational boating on the marine environment and offers best management practices for improvements.

3. The Good Mate Course Where do I find it? –Now available on-Line –Web address: –Also available now in printed form from the Auxiliary Center, along with Study Guide, Video and subject area brochures (Open book test must be taken on line).

4. Incident Command Course (ICS 100) Incident Command System (ICS Level 100) Designed to help the student understand the principles of the Incident Command System (ICS) and how to use it. Acquaints the student with basic ICS structure, terminology and usage in emergency response situations.

4. The Incident Command Course Where Do I Find It? Now available at : Also available in printed form from the Coast Guard Institute. - Short Title: ICSORI - Course Code-Edition:

4. The Incident Command Course Alternate Sources for this Course: FEMA ( State Emergency Management Agency Local fire/emergency response training Local Coast Guard units National Fire Service

II. Service Requirements Completion of at least 384 hours in direct or administrative support of the Marine Safety program over a period of at least 4 years. For a single year to count toward qualification for the device, at least 96 hours must be recorded in AUXMIS/AUXDATA for that year. Hours recorded beginning 1 January 1997 will serve to qualify. Years need not be consecutive to be credited.

III. Practical Skill Areas - PQS s Completion of requirements from at least four approved Auxiliary MSEP Personal Qualifications Standards (PQS). PQSs may be from Coast Guard or Auxiliary list of approved PQSs Completion of Coast Guard PQSs for Active Duty and Reserve members as listed in COMDTNOTE Change 12 to the MSM -- will also satisfy this requirement.

What is a PQS -- and Why? Personal Qualification Standards = PQS These PQSs are used to standardize M-specific training & qualifications nationwide One of three steps required in obtaining the Auxiliary Marine Safety Device Recognizes your training and identifies you as an extremely valuable asset to the M community

List of Approved PQS Areas The following Auxiliary-Specific PQS Areas have been approved for qualification for the Auxiliary M device: Assistant Container Inspector Assistant Facilities Inspector Assistant Liferaft Inspector Auxiliary Uninspected Passenger Vessel (UPV) Examiner

Additional PQS Areas (cont.) Auxiliary Marine Environmental Education Specialist Auxiliary Port State Control Boarding Team Assistant Auxiliary Marine Safety Watchstander Auxiliary Marine Safety Administrative and Management Specialist

Additional PQS Areas (cont.) Auxiliary Assistant Harbor Safety Officer Auxiliary Assistant Pollution Inspector Auxiliary Assistant Pollution Response Specialist -> Additional PQS areas can be located at Two PQSs for Auxiliary support to Regional Examination Centers (RECs) are on this list.

Additional PQS Areas (cont.) Any active duty M qualification listed in MSM, Vol 1, Chapter 7 counts toward attainment of the AUX M device. Examples include: T-Boat Inspector, Commercial Fishing Vessel Examiner, and Barge Inspector –Reference: COMDTNOTE (Change 12 to the MSM, Chapter 7) describes authority for this approval.

Approval of Local PQS Quals Locally-approved PQS qualifications will be accepted if the criteria for them are consistent with the approved Coast Guard and Auxiliary list.

To get to Trident Training Overview, Tests, and Other Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Support Information, Go to: t_page.htm To access the Course Outlines and Texts go to: xt.html

New Students To get Course Information: To get Training Material and Study Tests: To take the Tests:

Already- Registered Students You will only have to register to take a TEST. All other material is freely accessible from the sites listed.

Recap: Trident Requirements Education Requirements: Complete Introduction to MSEP, Complete Advanced MSEP Courses as required: Incident Command Course (ICS 100) Good Mate Course Introduction to Marine Safety and Port Inspection as rewritten by the USCG Time In Service: 4 years at a minimum level of 96 hours/year in MSEP support Completion of 4 approved PQSs

Member Achievement & Recognition Trident Program Completion -- Auxiliary Marine Safety Device

Marine Safety Ribbon Marine Safety Trident Training Ribbon. The ribbon is approved, but not yet available. It is currently in Heraldry and then must be sourced. The proposed criteria is as follows: On the completion of ALL education prerequisite requirements for the Trident device a person would be awarded the ribbon. The trainee then receives a star for each PQS completed until they earn the Trident device. At that time the ribbon will be removed (like the Specialty Course ribbon) and be replaced by the Auxiliary Trident device.

Your Point of Contact for the Trident Program Kevin J. Cady, Division Chief – MO On-Line: Saving People From The Sea and the Sea From People

The members and Leadership from FSO Officers to the elected Officers Flotilla Commander & Vice Flotilla Commander would like to thank all of you for attending this presentation

U.S.C.G.Auxilary Flotilla 18-06