Three Responses to Literature Feature Menu Introducing the Essays Literary Focus: Analyzing Responses to Literature
Three Responses to Literature
Three Responses to Literature “Enough! Arthur has proven himself five times now! We will have him for our king—and no other!” But is pulling a sword out of a stone enough? Is that really all it takes to be a great king? Does Arthur have the potential for greatness?
Three Responses to Literature Does Arthur have the potential for greatness? That’s the question. Your job is to judge three essays that attempt to answer the question. YOU decide which essays make the grade. [End of Section]
Three Responses to Literature Literary Focus: Responding to Literature As you read the essays, you will be asked to analyze responses to a literary work. A successful response to literature sticks to the topic answers the question supports the answer
Three Responses to Literature Literary Focus: Responding to Literature A response should be focused. Does it answer the question? Does it answer the question in a convincing way? Does it stick to the topic of Arthur’s character?
Three Responses to Literature Literary Focus: Responding to Literature A response must provide textual support. Does the writer support each main idea? What kind of support does the writer provide? Specific, concrete details from the text? Details from personal experience?
Three Responses to Literature Literary Focus: Responding to Literature Question: Does Arthur have the potential for greatness? Analyze the character of Arthur in your response. In King Arthur: The Sword in the Stone, the writer uses important contrasts between Sir Kay and Arthur to show how Arthur is different from most youths his age. In the choices he makes and in the way he lives, Arthur shows that he is capable of greatness. This is the beginning of the first essay. What important thing does the writer do in this paragraph?
Three Responses to Literature Literary Focus: Responding to Literature To fulfill his destiny of greatness, Arthur has to have wisdom. Although nobody sixteen years old has lived long enough to have a lot of wisdom, the writer shows us that Arthur is already gaining it. Arthur has found and protected orphaned fox clubs. He has tamed birds and deer. This requires patience and the ability to look and listen. What is the main idea of this paragraph? What examples support the main idea?
Three Responses to Literature Literary Focus: Responding to Literature To fulfill his destiny of greatness, Arthur has to have wisdom. Although nobody sixteen years old has lived long enough to have a lot of wisdom, the writer shows us that Arthur is already gaining it. Arthur has found and protected orphaned fox clubs. He has tamed birds and deer. This requires patience and the ability to look and listen. Do you think the writer supports the claim that Arthur is gaining wisdom?
Three Responses to Literature Literary Focus: Responding to Literature As you analyze the three essays, ask yourself whether the writer Proves or disproves that Arthur has these qualities Defines the qualities necessary for greatness States whether or not Arthur has these qualities [End of Section]
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