Eurostat regional yearbook 2012 – new routines and time planning Åsa Önnerfors Eurostat
Regional yearbook: tradition and renewal A statistical yearbook is typically a publication where you want to keep the traditions, but still make a bit of renewal and improvements each year. The number of chapters has increased, and so has the work burden, both on the regional team and on the thematic units, little by little in the past 2-3 years. The official publication date has been a bit delayed each year; October in 2009, November in 2010 and December in 2011… We felt it necessary to change our internal routines for content production in order not to have it delayed even more for the 2012 edition! Discussion group, Regional and Urban Statistics 8th of December 2011
The new publication process in 2012: For creating the content of the 2012 edition we will get help from the external company Informa, it’s the same company as for Europe in figures - Eurostat yearbook, already known to some of you. You will be asked to propose the main outline of your chapter; which indicators to use, the general structure and the main relevant policy goals. Deadline for your answer: the 13th of January. Informa will then suggest more detailed chapter plans and individual meetings will be held with you and a representative from Informa to discuss critical aspects specific to your statistical subject (if needed). A detailed chapter plan for each chapter should be agreed and finalised by the 27th of January. Discussion group, Regional and Urban Statistics 8th of December 2011
Data extraction and map production: Informa will then make the data extractions for the maps, tables and graphs for all chapters on the same date: the 15th of February. No updates of data will be accepted after this date; the only exception is if a real mistake in the data is detected. You will get a draft version of the maps to your chapter by the 23rd of March and your comments on these should be provided within the week that follows, by the 30th of March. Discussion group, Regional and Urban Statistics 8th of December 2011
Second consultation and final phase: Delivery of draft text (MS Word), tables and figures (MS Excel) and maps (PDF): the 13th of April. You will have two weeks to make your final comments on the chapter, your comments should be sent to us by the 27th of April. Informa will then finalise the content of the whole publication and insert it into Statistics Explained. All articles will be online in Statistics Explained by the 25th of May and that is also the time when our contract with Informa ends. Discussion group, Regional and Urban Statistics 8th of December 2011
Proofreading, layout and translation: The content is now online in Statistics Explained and the next phase will be to produce the printed version. Text, maps, tables and figures will be proof-read at the publications office (June). The articles from SE will also be sent to translation. The lay-out of the publication in English will be made by Jouve and checked by E4 like in previous years. Discussion group, Regional and Urban Statistics 8th of December 2011
Printing and official publication: The publication will sent to printing as soon as the final print-proof has been approved (September). The printing usually takes 5-6 weeks. Official news release on the Eurostat website (October). The maps from the Regional yearbook will also be released in the Statistical Atlas (flex-viewer) on the Eurostat website on the same date as the news release. Discussion group, Regional and Urban Statistics 8th of December 2011
Proposal for table of contents, 2012: Population Labour market Education Health European cities Economic accounts Structural business statistics Information society Tourism Agriculture Coastal regions Transport Science, technology and innovation Geographical facts Discussion group, Regional and Urban Statistics 8th of December 2011
Thank you for listening. Any questions or suggestions for improvement? Please contact Åsa Önnerfors on Discussion group, Regional and Urban Statistics 8th of December 2011