Connor’s Art
A person that makes art is called an artist.
I am learning how to be an artist. I like to make pictures. Put picture of Connor here
I can use many tools to make art. paintbrush scissors crayons chalk Play-Doh clay camera
I can make art that uses colors. Sometimes just one color I can make art that uses colors. Sometimes just one color. Sometimes two colors. Sometimes three colors. Sometimes I can use many colors.
I can use many different lines in my art. Vertical lines Horizontal lines Curvy lines Lines with angles
I use many different shapes in my art. heart triangle star rectangle oval circle diamond crescent cube cylinder
I can use many different textures in my art. Glue small piece of emory board for rough, piece of plastic for smooth, cotton for soft, rock for hard rough smooth soft hard
I can use patterns in my art. Patterns repeat. blue green blue green blue green heart star triangle heart star triangle
I combine lines, shapes, colors and textures in different ways to make art. Art comes out different every time.