SEND Reforms What does this mean for your working practice? Janine Walker Alison Weaver May 2018
Purpose of session Summarise key reforms Update re inspection arrangements What does this mean for you?
SEND Reforms The Children and Families Act 2014 introduced a series of reforms relating to special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The Reforms aim to improve outcomes for children and young people from birth to 25 years with SEND and their families by changes in the provision of services as well as greater involvement of their parents and carers over how their needs are met.
Key areas of reform Requirement of a Graduated Approach to provide support to pupils with SEND, recognising that there is a continuum of support ranging from quality first teaching in the classroom, additional support provided in mainstream schools for those on SEN Support, through to specialist provision for those with the most significant needs. Introduction of SEN Support, in the identification of pupil who require additional support to meet their SEND Introduction of Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans This is a new single assessment process to assess needs of children and young people 0-25, who have the most complex needs.
Key areas of reforms Requirement for local areas to involve children and young people through a person-centred approach and their families in discussions and decisions in relation to their care and education The right to a ‘personal budget’ for children and young people with SEND and their families, giving them more control over the services and support they access Requirement that SEND services for children and families be made available in a clear, easily read manner. This is known as the ‘Local Offer’
Local Area Review The inspection will : evidence how well Local Area is implementing the changes, and evaluate the general quality of their SEND offer. will involve a wide range of stakeholders across the Local Area. Inspections are due to take place from 2016 through to 2021. Local Areas will have a five-day notice period and the inspection will last for 5 days. The inspectors will follow the journey of children and young people, who have SEND and their families, and will visit a variety of settings, including education, health and social care and early help settings.
Local Area Inspection Framework In reaching their judgements, inspectors, in line with the requirements of the Code of Practice, will pay particular attention to: the accuracy and rigour of the local area’s self-evaluation and how this is being used with partners to develop an effective strategy Monitoring and evaluation processes to ensure the strategy is improving outcomes for children and young people with SEND
What does this mean for you? • Know the children, young people and families that you are working with • Ensure your case records and evidence is up to date • Be able to demonstrate that decisions are made through clearly established processes • Understand how data analysis has supported service development • Be able to show evidence of impact and outcomes achieved to date • Be able to show evidence of the child or young person’s voice and involvement
What does this mean for you Discuss a family/young person you are working with: Can you describe their journey? What are their needs? What services are involved? How have you listened to the young person’s views and included these in your planning What are the outcomes of this support? What evidence do you have that this has made a difference?
What additional information may you need? What training and support may be helpful to you in your role, for example: Graduated approach and assessment processes in schools/settings Funding available for educational support Services and support groups available through local offer Information, advice and support available to children and young people with SEND FE and employment
Further information Nottingham City SEND Local Offer – information about the reforms and about services for children and families: E-learning module and handbook from Council for Disabled Children, Introduction to the role of social care in the SEND Reforms :