->K+K- Production at 62.4GeV Au+Au Collisions


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Presentation transcript:

->K+K- Production at 62.4GeV Au+Au Collisions 2/24/2019 ->K+K- Production at 62.4GeV Au+Au Collisions Outline: 1. Fiducial cut (DC, EMCal, TOFe) 2. isK@EMCal 3. Phi spectrum 4. Conclusions Shengli Huang Vanderbilt University H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

DC-PC1 Fiducial Cuts(I) Before Cut After Cut H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

DC-PC1 Fiducial Cuts(II) Before Cut After Cut H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

DC-Pad1 Fiducial Cuts(III) Blue:data Red:simulation After the fiducial cut, the phi distributions in data & simulation are almost consistent each other H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

EMC Occupancy West 0 West 1 Data/Simulation West 2 West 3 East 2 ysect*74+zsect The data/simulation ratio is equal to 1 to most EMCal sectors The ratio is cut in the region (0.2, 5) to rule out dead & hot towers The cut effect will be studied at next step H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

EMC:1/mom vs. phi 1/mom vs. phi after fiducial cut H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

TOF:1/mom vs. phi 1.The 1/mom vs. phi distribution of TOF east 2.At next step,we will use the fiducial cut of AN459 to check the difference H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

isK@62.4GeVAu+Au Mass2 distribution in momentum region 0.3~0.4GeV/c for EMCal Red region: |isK|<2.0 It is not consistent with Gaussian fit The calculation of |isK| of EMCal is wrong! I changed the isK by 2 sigma cut of mass2 distribution H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

Phi signal with new cut With new cut, the phi signal is about 13K,40% higher than the results with |isK|<2 cut, which is about 9K phi H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

Efficiency Correction Factor EMCal+TOF H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

Phi Spectra@Centrality Fit Function: Embedding study is required to correct the multiplicity dependence H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

T & dN/dy@centrality 1.T slope is around 330MeV and no centrality dependence 2.The dN/dy is almost linear increase with number of participant H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

Comparing No systematic error: 1.dN/dy PHENIX:1.914040.386524 2/24/2019 No systematic error: 1.dN/dy PHENIX:1.914040.386524 STAR:3.224030.07361 2.T slope PHENIX: 335.726.2MeV STAR: 324.17.2MeV 3.Embedding & Run-by-run correction: 10~20%? H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

Conclusions 1.The phi->kk@62.4GeV has been studied at different centrality. the T slope and dN/dy/Npart do not show any centrality dependence 2. Embedding study and run-by-run corrections need to be done. To get a more accurate efficiency correction, the mom cut will be changed to 1.5GeV for EMCal and 3GeV/c for TOF H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang

backup H/L Meeting Sep07 Shengli Huang