1. Reduce harms from the main preventable causes of poor health


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Presentation transcript:

The Prevention workstream priorities are grouped around three broad themes: 1. Reduce harms from the main preventable causes of poor health Smoking, diet, inactivity, obesity, alcohol and drug misuse etc. 2. Take early action to avoid or delay future poor health Early identification of risk factors and symptoms - to enable early intervention 3. Support people to manage their own health and wellbeing Improve awareness & use of prevention & support services, and help people look after their own health In doing this work, we will develop and promote a better understanding of the wider social, economic and environmental influences on people’s health - and how to address these These ‘wider influences’ include social connections, housing, employment, education, transport, planning and licensing policy, parks and open spaces, community safety, cultural facilities etc

Some of our key plans and priorities … New Stop Smoking Service in Hackney (from summer 2018). Promoting routine treatment of tobacco dependency within NHS. Increasing smokefree spaces. Increasing awareness, and reducing availability, of illegal tobacco. Smoking & tobacco control Hackney alcohol strategy 2017-2020 published which aims to reduce alcohol related harms in Hackney. Evaluation of current support for substance misusers with complex needs. Drugs and alcohol Strategic borough wide plans to reduce obesity and increase levels of physical activity - including work to address social and environmental influences. Plans to redesign physical activity services. Tackling obesity Increasing the uptake of NHS Health Checks, available via GPs for Hackney residents aged between 40-74. Continue to ensure effective identification and management of long-term conditions in primary care. Long term conditions - early intervention Implementation of new GUM (clinical sexual health) services, including a new clinic site in the City. London e-service being managed through a central team hosted by the City of London. Sexual health services Promoting healthy workplaces across the City through the Business Healthy initiative. Hackney staff health and wellbeing partnership - membership from Hackney Council, CCG and Homerton. London Healthy Workplace Charter - accreditation support to businesses. Healthy workplaces Hackney is participating in the NHS National Diabetes Prevention Programme as part of the East London Health and Care Partnership. Diabetes prevention Build on the City and Hackney Wellbeing network. Promotion of Five to Thrive website and resources. Reduce rates of suicide in Hackney and the City. Mental health Improving access to employment for people with learning disabilities and mental health problems. Supported employment provider network established, led by Hackney Community and Voluntary Sector (HCVS). Supported employment Training and supporting all frontline staff to have conversations with people about their health and wellbeing and signpost them to local support services. ‘Making Every Contact Count’ Supporting people to manage their own health care and wellbeing. Improving the links between social prescribing and other community prevention initiatives. Self-care/self-management Develop system wide plans for health and social care organisations to work in a more integrated way to identify and support carers. Carers

1. Reduce harms from the main preventable causes of poor health Examples: Smoking High quality and accessible Stop Smoking Service, reducing availability of illegal tobacco, smoke free spaces and prevention activity in schools. Obesity Weight management services. Partnership working with education, planning, transport, housing, parks, leisure and green spaces and other services. Physical Inactivity Exercise on referral, classes and activities in community centres, planning policies to promote active travel. Alcohol Identification and brief advice, alcohol treatment services, public health input into licensing decisions.

2. Take early action to avoid or delay future poor health Examples: Cardiovascular disease Maximise uptake of the NHS Health Check to identify and take action to reduce the risk of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and dementia. Diabetes National Diabetes Prevention Programme, structured education for people newly diagnosed with diabetes. Sexual health Easy access to testing and treatment, new sexual health clinic in the City of London. Vulnerable groups Improve identification of, and support to, people at high risk of poor health and wellbeing (including rough sleepers and others with multiple health and social needs).

3. Support people to manage their own health and wellbeing Examples: Social Prescribing Service based in GP practices, supporting patients to improve their health & wellbeing and access local community services. Health Coaches Based in the community, supporting residents to improve their health and wellbeing and signpost to relevant local services. Peer support Facilitated group sessions to support people to manage their long-term health conditions. Time to Talk Extended GP appointments for people with 2+ long-term conditions. Connect Hackney Tackling social isolation in older people. Support for carers Hackney Council is co-producing a new model of support for adult carers in the borough.

An important enabler to achieving our aims is ‘making every contact count’ What does this mean? Frontline staff having sensitive and appropriate conversations with people about their health and wellbeing, and signposting them to relevant information and support Why this approach? Every day, staff in the NHS, local authority and voluntary sectors have thousands of interactions with people who need and want support to improve their health What could we achieve? Many more local people able to access the support they need to live longer, happier lives

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