Introduction to the Global Consultations Conference on FARMERS’ RIGHTS


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to the Global Consultations Conference on FARMERS’ RIGHTS Regine Andersen, Senior Research Fellow Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway Global Consultations Conference on Farmers’ Rights Addis Ababa, 23–25 November 2010

Farmers’ Rights Focus: Farmers’ Rights under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) Farmers’ Rights related to crop genetic diversity Farmers’ Rights are basically about enabling farmers to continue conserving and developing crop genetic diversity rewarding them for their contribution to the global genetic pool

Why farmers’ rights matter Farmers are custodians of crop genetic diversity in situ on-farm Whether they can continue to perform this task depends on legislation and policies Thus, the implementation of the ITPGRFA objectives on conservation and sustainable use depends on Farmers’ Rights Therefore, Farmers’ Rights are a corner stone of the Treaty... ... and vital for global and local food security as well as poverty alleviation

Farmers’ Rights in the Treaty Recognition of the enormous contribution of farmers Responsibility rests with governments Elements: Protection of traditional knowledge The right to equitably participate in benefit sharing The right to participate in decision making The rights that farmers have to save, use, exchange and sell farm-saved seeds Preamble and other Treaty articles are supportive The Governing Body shall promote the full implementation and compliance (Art. 19 and 21)

Brief FR-consultation history 2006, GB1: Farmers’ Rights on the working agenda of the Governing Body Informal international consultation on FR in Lusaka, Zambia, September 2007 2007, GB2: Report and input paper from Lusaka presented, and a resolution adopted The ITPGRFA Secretariat collected views and experiences from countries & organizations CGN and CTDT carried out an on-line conference: ’Options for Farmers’ Rights’

GB3, Tunis: Resolution 6/2009 CPs invited to review/adjust national measures affecting the realization of FR CPs and other organizations encouraged to continue submitting views and experiences The Secretariat requested to convene regional workshops on Farmers’ Rights, subject to availability of funds The Secretariat requested to collect views and experiences, & reports of the regional workshops as basis for agenda item at GB4 Appreciation of involvement of farmers org.

The 2010 Global Consultations Objectives: Implementation of Res 6/2009 on regional consultations, with the aims of sharing national experiences and identify gaps and needs at the national level. Global consultations Phase 1: E-mail survey Global consultations Phase 2: Conference Report to be submitted to the Secretariat for GB4 as basis for agenda item on Farmers’ Rights. To be presented also at a side-event.

Conference programme Tuesday 23 November: Introduction Sharing of experiences: national measures, achievements Discussion of obstacles and options to the realization of Farmers’ Right Wednesday 24 November: Regional consultations (Africa, Asia with Near East, GRULAC, Europe with North America) Sharing of experiences: national measures, achievements and challenges Identify gaps and needs and provide recommendations

Conference Programme (cont.) Thursday 25 November: Findings and recommendations from the regional consultations – presentation Analysis of the results: Similarities, differences, learning potentials Joint recommendations to the Governing Body, (e.g. on how to realize FR at the national level and how the Governing Body can support the realization process) Evaluation of the conference

Some words on language Most participants are not native English speakers. Therefore, please: try to speak slowly and use simple words. do not use too many abbreviations don’t hesitate to take the floor if you are a participants who feel insecure in English: Your contribution is highly appreciated! Thank you!