Europeans Establish Colonies Chapter 2 Section 1 Europeans Establish Colonies
Early Spanish Empire
Terms and People missionaries – people who work to convert others to their religion presidio – Spanish fort located near Spanish mission viceroy – ruler of a section of the Spanish empire in the Americas, appointed by the Spanish king mestizo – child of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry mission – a location for missionary work
Europeans Explore the Americas, 1497–1682
Europeans Explore the Americas, 1497–1682 Wealth Using the wealth from its colonies, Spain began an aggressive military policy in Europe. The Dutch, French, and English sought their own riches.
The conflict was carried to the new colonies in the Americas Religion Religious differences between Catholic and Protestants split Europe. Southern Europe remained Catholic and Northern Europe, including England, became Protestant. The conflict was carried to the new colonies in the Americas
Bartolome de Las Casas
De Soto
De Soto Florida Georgia The Carolinas Mississippi Arkansas
Up the Rio Grande – up through Kansas Coronado Up the Rio Grande – up through Kansas
Pedro Menendez de Alives
Pope’s Rebellion
Section 2.2 The French Empire- Fur Traders
The French Empire- Fur Traders
Giovanni de Verranzano
Jacques Cartier
Prayer of Generosity
Samuel de Champlain
Robert de la Salle