Praying / Prophecy “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.” Romans 12:6-8
Praying / Prophecy Definition The special supernatural Functional Gift that God has given to certain members of the body of Christ. People with the gift of prophecy often receive and communicate a message from God to mankind through a divinely-anointed utterance. They have special spiritual insight. Good Biblical Example: Peter and John the Baptist
Praying Characteristics Has a burden to share God’s Word to the body. Harmonizes with God’s own Word in Scripture(the same Spirit speaks). Never takes from nor adds to the Scriptures, but will intensify and quicken that which already has been given to us of God. Brings forth things new and old out of the Scriptures that will make them living and powerful to us. Builds up the community. The whole purpose is positive, although there may be admonition and warning, even exhortation, to depart from some evil. Has a real lifting power and gives real light on the truth to those who hear. Finds consent and agreement in the minds and hearts of others in the community. There should be a prevailing sense in the community that the prophecy was divinely inspired. May be spoken in a variety of ways as the Lord Himself wills it. It comes forth in power of the Spirit of God.
Praying Characteristics (Continued) Spontaneity marks such an occasion, and the words are divinely inspired. The prophetic word should be given in an orderly manner and is not infallible. The utterance must be judged by the Word of God. The person should be humble enough to allow his word to be judged. If it is the mind of God, there is nothing to fear. Prophecy has a vital connection with faith; the individual must prophesy according to their measure of faith. It stays on the sober ground of faith. God gives, and the believer makes responsible use of the gifts. Prophecy declares God’s counsel openly and edifies the whole Church, although there may be exhortation, admonition or warning to avoid or depart from some form of evil.
Praying Potential Weaknesses Error: Deals with things that do not edify and are designed to puff up hearers and mislead them. Not all prophecies may be of God. Pride: You must be humble enough to allow your prophecy to be judged or it may hinder your credibility. 1) Prophecy can be misused. 2) There may be a failure to recognize any improvement due to goal consciousness.
Praying Potential Weaknesses- cont. Unsubmissiveness: If you hear any voices that make you think that you are superior to those whom God has put in the Church to rule the Church, watch out, for this is surely of the devil. Fear of Rejection: Failure to give the individual what God is saying out of fear the person will not receive it. The person giving the prophecy may be forbidden or hindered by leaders or the congregation.
Job Description Principle Function: To ensure fellowship, prayer and fun within the team.
Responsibilities Personal Relationship with the Lord. Prayer- (Individual & Corporate prayer) Listening then speaking and distinguishing what is personal and what is for someone else Worship and Praise (Individual & Corporate) Fellowship- people skills
Summary Balance is the key- identify with CHRIST not old testament prophets. We must operate out of a heart filled with the love of God for His people. Most of what we do should be unseen by people but recognized by God. We are the watchmen of the night with special insight and vision. God reveals to us pre-clips of what He is about to do. (WOW) God speaks mysteries to us that stuns our carnality.
Summary-cont God’s (Rehma) Word demands a voice- we are that voice. Through our prophetic prayer and praise principalities of darkness are demolished or dispelled. Through our prophetic worship we harmonize with the Angels of heaven. The prophetic gift along with the other 5-fold giftings breaks the church free from dead religion and stale tradition as well as accelerates it past human reasoning and unbelief. It launches it into the place of miracles, signs, and wonders. (Hallelujah!!!!!)
Acts 2:46-47 “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Conclusion What will you do?
Understanding your Passions and your Interests