Unit 1: Reaction Kinetics Lesson 7: Activation Energies (Part II)
Mind-Blowing Moment! 5 min All chemical reactions can proceed in two directions! We write this as: Reactants Products
Activation Energies, Revisited This means that there are two activation energy values for any given reaction: Ea(f) = the activation energy for the forward reaction (reactants to products) Ea(r) = the activation energy for the reverse reaction (products to reactants) 5 min
Brain Break! 5 min
Endothermic Reactions Notes, then challenge students to draw the same diagram but for an exothermic reaction - 10 min We can see from the diagram that Ea(f) = ΔH + Ea(r)
Exothermic Reactions We can see from the diagram that Ea(f) = ΔH + Ea(r) (this is the same as the equation for endothermic reactions)
Practice Time! Pg. 25 #41-45 15 min