Halloween and Conversational Signs Meeting 4 Bate 1012 10/22/2013
Halloween Signs Trick-or-Treat Halloween Monster Scare Zombie Costume AslPro: http://www.aslpro.com/cgi-bin/aslpro/aslpro.cgi LifePrint: http://lifeprint.com/ ASLPro and LifePrint won’t let me post links to the individual words so you’ll have to look them up. All of them except zombie are on ASLPro but not all are on LifePrint. Trick-or-Treat Monster Zombie Pumpkin Jack-O-Lantern Devil Candy Chocolate Halloween Scare Costume Mask Ghost Witch Black Cat Haunted House
Conversational Signs Your Name What? Nice to Meet You. Are you deaf? No, I am hearing. Yes, I am deaf. No, I am hard of hearing. Are you a student? Are you learning sign language? Where are you learning sign language? Yes No Not Right Oh I See Where is restroom? Where do you live?
What is your name? Nice to meet you.
Is he/she deaf? Are you deaf?
No, I am hearing. Are you a student?
Are you learning sign language? Where are you studying sign language at?
Places of education Responses
Where is the restroom? Where do you live?
Calendar of Club Events October 22nd 6pm – 4th Meeting Bate 1012 November 5th 6pm – 5th Meeting Bate 1012 November 19th 6pm – 6th Meeting Bate 1012 Elections for Spring Semester Lindsay and I will spend a day on campus without our hearing aids and will talk about our experiences December 3rd 6pm – 7th Meeting Tipsy Teapot Tentative End of semester/Christmas Celebration Social
Calendar of Social Events October 23rd 7pm – Starbucks Social Raleigh Road Wilson, NC October 25th 6pm – La Ribera Dinner Social Corner of Arlington Boulevard and Red Banks October 30th 8pm – Silent Scary Movie Night Barton College Movie Theater Wilson, NC November 2nd 6pm – Deaf for a Day Event 11:30 – 8:30 in Wilson, NC
Deaf for a Day Event Details November 2nd 6pm – Deaf for a Day Event 11:30 – 8:30 in Wilson, NC at Barton College Campus 11:30-1 Silent Brunch in the Dining Hall 1:30-2:30- Game Time/ Making Thank You Notes for Donors 2:30-4:30 Jimmy Veglia Presentation, Mel Lubinsky Presentation, Video Relay Presentation, ASL Workshop (Exact times TBA) 4:30-6 Silent Dinner in the Dining Hall 6:30-8 Silent Movie Hamlin Student Center Theatre (with CC) 8:30 Silent Starbucks Social
Resources Personal Website: www.ecusilentpiratesweebly.com Twitter: @ECUSilentPirate Vine: ECU Silent Pirates Youtube: ECUSilentPirates Email: silentpirates@ecu.edu OrgSync: search Silent Pirates Please register on Orgsync.com and add us This will be one of the easiest ways to keep you updated, conduct polls, do sign-ups, and keep track of your volunteer hours (VSLC is now requiring you to use OrgSync)