How Your Writing Has Improved Portfolio 2010-2011 How Your Writing Has Improved
Write an essay describing how your writing has improved over the 2010-2011 school year. Be sure to: • Thesis Statement—How my writing improved. • Describe and explain each assignment. • Describe and explain what you did well/need to work on.
The Orange Houses/Baseline Story A starting point to show where you are as a writer. A starting point to show your comprehension skills.
Foreshadowing in “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” Shows basic essay organization. Introduces Thesis Statement. Introduces Topic Sentences.
Point of View in The Joy Luck Club Focus on body development. Focus on supporting a thesis statement.
Critical Theories/Midterm Employs critical thinking when applying abstract theories to text.
Introduction of filming techniques. Focus on organization. Hamlet Media Essay Introduction of filming techniques. Focus on organization.
Little Rock Central: 50 Years Later Focus on how to support a thesis statement using visual examples.
Equilibrium Reoccurring stories, characters, symbols, and motifs across genres. How different filming techniques enhance a story.
A Farewell to Arms Final Interpret a director’s view through the filming techniques used. Fully support a thesis statement. Shows the ability to find specific, appropriate examples to support view