Mr. Cohen-Barnhouse’s History Class Back to School Night 2015 Mr. Cohen-Barnhouse’s History Class Welcome Timber Wolf Families!
History 6 starts at the beginning of our country and ends in 1865. Welcome to US History! History 6 starts at the beginning of our country and ends in 1865. Syllabus and curriculum guide are posted on my webpage under First Nine Weeks
My Goals To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To work with the interdisciplinary team (math, science, English) to fuse the content areas together and find similarities in the content. To foster critical thinkers & collaborators
Daily Supplies Needed: White Binder Supply Case Agenda Something to read
How Can I Help My Child Succeed? First line of defense- THE AGENDA Homework and Class announcements will be posted on my teacher webpage. Navigate to Trailside webpage to access my teacher page.
How Can I Help My Child Succeed? (continued) SOL Pass- Select Trailside MS Password: trailside Virginia Trekkers- BrainPop -username: lcpse -password: elem
Email Me! Please send me an email from the address that you would like me to correspond with you this year. In most cases, I respond within 24 hours of the business week. Include your child’s name and block number. Please write one hope you have for your child by the end of the school year and/or one thing you want me know about your child.
Let’s Have a Great Year, Timber Wolves!