Education in the digital society
Three subjects Highlights of SER report (2016) Dutch policy on Life Long Learning Involvement of the SER
People and technology: working together Technological changes and their impact On organisations On quality of work On labour
Technological changes and their impact On organisations On quality of work On labour
Technology and their impact On organizations
Technological changes and their impact On organisations On quality of work On labour
Technological changes and their impact On organisations On quality of work On labour
Participation in Life Long Learning
The Netherlands – a case study Wealthy country 17 million inhabitants, 8.7 million people at work, unemployment 3.7% ICT, building, care and education are in need of new people The importance to redefine education: Life Long Learning 18% Current situation: life long learning is increasing differences Higher skilled people participate the most Lower skilled people participate the least Flex workers often are not allowed Elderly people less so
Brand new Dutch policy The need for a game changer: a positive and strong learning culture for everybody Goal: people take charge of their own destiny By: Providing information on various learning possibilities Individual learning budgets Providing the right conditions: Sufficient support for those in need Enforce the learning culture in small companies Stimulate flexible education
The need for experiments Behavioural Insights Network NL
Role of the Dutch Social Economic Council Goal: to encourage a culture of learning How: By organizing meetings By connecting (regional) initiatives By exchanging best and bad practices By identifying barriers that can be solved on a national level Three years programme
Focus boards professionals people, companies, schools
Key message: it will be a challenge Lots of changes are needed: Educational systems, legislation, funds of social partners Changing behaviour is extremely difficult Knowing is not doing: Having the knowledge does not mean you will act on it