14. Social Change
Social change refers to any significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and cultural values and norms. Social Movements refers to collective activities designed to bring about or resist primary changes in an existing society or group.
Factors of Change Physical Environment Population changes Isolation and Contact Social Structure Attitudes and Values Technological Factors
Impact of Technological Change 1 Impact of Technological Change 1. Development of the means of transport and communication; 2. Transformation in the economy and the evolution of the new social classes; 3. Unemployment; 4. Technology and war; 5. Changes in social institutions; 6. Cultural Lag
Resisting Social Change Some people resist social change Resisting Social Change Some people resist social change. In the midst of continual technological breakthroughs, some people harbor vested interests (financial or otherwise) in maintaining the status quo. Economic factors take a hand in resisting social change. Conflict theorists complain that capitalistic systems encourage owners to protect their assets at the expense of workers. Cultural factors also play a central role in resistance to social change. When technology enters a society, non-material culture must respond to changes in material culture.
Social movements Social movements can dramatically shape the direction of society. They may bring about major shifts in social policy and structures. Characteristics of social movement 1. Collective Action 2. Oriented towards social change 3. specific goal
Types of social movements 1. Reform movements: 2 Types of social movements 1. Reform movements: 2. Revolutionary movements: 3. Reactionary or revivalist movement: 4. Resistance movement: 5. Utopian movement: