Sustainable Recycling Bill WSRA Policy Forum Julie Robertson December 5, 2018
Sustainable Recycling Bill Proposed draft legislation goals Improve Washington’s recycling system Address contamination Incentivize markets for recyclable materials
Solid Waste Statutes RCW 70.95, the Solid Waste Management Act RCW 70.93, the Waste Reduction, Recycling, and Litter Control Act
Waste Reduction, Recycling, and Litter Control Account Litter tax created in 1971 to prevent and pick up litter 0.015-percent tax on retail sales of commonly littered items Supports waste reduction and recycling programs
Waste Reduction, Recycling, and Litter Control Account (WRRLCA) 50 percent to Ecology and other agencies for litter pick up and prevention 30 percent to Ecology for WRR programs, education, outreach 20 percent to local governments for litter pick up on city and county roads
Recycling Development Center Ecology with Commerce Research, develop, expand, and incentivize markets for recycled commodities Policy board of public and private sector stakeholders Business and marketing assistance
Contamination Reduction and Outreach Plans State recycling contamination reduction and outreach plan Include recycling contamination reduction and outreach plans in local solid waste management plans
Julie Robertson Solid Waste Management Department of Ecology Julie Julie Robertson Solid Waste Management Department of Ecology 360-407-6132