Take Part. Get Set For Life. National Federation of State High School Associations NFHS Softball 2014 Rules Changes
Take Part. Get Set For Life. National Federation of State High School Associations Bruce Hulion cell office
Take Part. Get Set For Life. National Federation of State High School Associations
Take Part. Get Set For Life. National Federation of State High School Associations
Take Part. Get Set For Life. National Federation of State High School Associations
Take Part. Get Set For Life. National Federation of State High School Associations Unsportsmanlike Conduct Any action(s) that warrants a coach(es) ejection will subject the coach(es) to a minimum next game suspension and the school to a minimum fine of $300. Ejections that subject a player to a next game suspension will result in a minimum suspension of two (2) games for all sports except football, competitive cheer, swimming, and lacrosse. (i.e. flagrant fouls, malicious contact, spiting, biting, fighting, disrespectfully addressing officials, profanity)
Taper (1-5-2C) The taper of the bat shall have a solid surface and shall have a conical shape. Its length and material may vary. The taper is the transition area which connects the narrower handle to the wider barrel portion of the bat.
Electronic Devices (1-8-6 New) The use of electronic devices by team personnel to transmit or record information pertaining to his/her player or teams performance shall be permitted within the teams dugout/bench area only. Information obtained from an electronic device may be used for coaching purposes during the game.
RULE CHANGE Electronic Devices 1-8-6, ILLEGAL LEGAL
Team Members (2-58 New) TEAM MEMBERS - Defined Team members are players listed on the teams roster and lineup as submitted to the umpire at the pregame meeting.
RULE CHANGE Team Members 2-58 Team members must be submitted to the plate umpire at the pregame meeting.
Team Personnel (2-59 New) TEAM PERSONNEL - Defined Team personnel consist of all school representatives located in the team dugout, including but not limited to coaches, managers, certified athletic trainers and scorekeepers.
Electronic Devices ( New) The use of electronic devices for coaching purposes is permitted during a game; however any information obtained shall not be used to review decisions made by the umpires.
RULE CHANGE Electronic Devices 1-8-6, ILLEGAL LEGAL
Take Part. Get Set For Life. National Federation of State High School Associations THANK YOU