(i.e., drunk on duty or driving under the influence of alcohol) “ALCOHOL ABUSE” The irresponsible use of alcohol is considered abuse and is subject to judicial and/or nonjudicial action. (i.e., drunk on duty or driving under the influence of alcohol)
The “Disease Concept” of Addiction Why is alcoholism addiction considered a disease?
Characteristics of Alcohol Dependence Obsessive and Compulsive Chronic Progressive and Fatal Treatable
Criteria for Substance Abuse Failure to fulfill role obligations at work or home Physically Hazardous Legal Problems Continued use despite social or interpersonal problems
Consequences of Abuse Impaired effectiveness and poor health Limited performance and advancement Administrative action &/or discharge Judicial (UCMJ) action &/or discharge
Alcohol’s Harmful Effects Physical Family/Social Emotional/Psychological Legal Work
What Constitutes a Drink ??? 1.5 ounces 80 proof distilled spirits 12 ounce American beer 5 ounce glass of wine 12 ounce wine cooler Absorption and oxidation
Declining performance Tell-Tale Signs… Declining performance Sick 3 of 4 Mondays Upset stomach Lots of mouth wash Lots of cologne Denial/hostility
TAKE ACTION Do not cover up Emphasize responsibility and consequences Support, don’t “ENABLE”
Guidelines for Responsible Drinking Do’s Don'ts Set a Limit Healthy Activities Eat Know Signs/BAC Drink Standard Size Drink Straight In Morning When Hungry/Thirsty Engage in Contests Drink when upset Mix medicines
ALTERNATIVES “Commanders and the chain of command will promote and encourage off-duty sports, educational, cultural, and religious/spiritual pursuits as alternatives to abuse of alcohol and other drugs.” (from AR 600-85)
HOW TO PREVENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE Be a role model Educate your soldiers Point out alternatives Be supportive