Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts Mapping the Joint Questionnaire on Inland Waters with the PWFA questionnaire Working Group Environmental Accounts Meeting of 9 March 2015 BECH Building – Room Quetelet Point 6.2 of the agenda (9 March): Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015) Marco Orsini for Eurostat, Directorate E: Sectoral and regional statistics Unit E-2: Environmental statistics and accounts; sustainable development
PWFA complemented by asset accounts for water resources. Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > Introduction OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire Inland Waters (JQ-IW) : national water statistics (water resources, water use and wastewater treatment). Physical water flow accounts (PWFA) : water flows and emissions to water in relation to the economic activities. PWFA complemented by asset accounts for water resources. Water accounts to align water information closer to national accounts integration of water related concerns into macro-economic monitoring, analyses, modelling, and theory building. Working Group Environmental Accounts - Meeting of 9 March 2015 Point 6.2 of the agenda : Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015)
Water statistics Water accounting. Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > Introduction Water statistics Water accounting. Water statistics and water accounting share many definitions Water accounts tables widely based and dependent on JQ-IW data Eurostat developed DSD which may host the JQ-IW and the PWFA items To what extent can we fill in water accounting tables using JQ-IW data? How much cells in the JQ-IW coincide with cells in PWFA-questionnaire and vice versa ? Which has been so far the response rate for the JQ-IW items to be used to fill in water accounts table? Working Group Environmental Accounts - Meeting of 9 March 2015 Point 6.2 of the agenda : Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015)
Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > Asset accounts ! a !
Industries, HH, ChInv, RoW, Environment Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > PWFA – water PSUT Water flows Industries, HH, ChInv, RoW, Environment Working Group Environmental Accounts - Meeting of 9 March 2015 Point 6.2 of the agenda : Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015)
a ! ! Environment NACE E Surface and groundwater Natural water Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > PWFA – water PSUT supply table (Table A) T2 – Total gross abstraction of surface and groundwater Surface and groundwater Environment T4 – PWS total Natural water NACE E a T8 –Wastewater discharged by WWTPs Working Group Environmental Accounts - Meeting of 9 March 2015 Point 6.2 of the agenda : Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015) Treated Wastewater ! T8 – Generation of wastewater Wastewater !
a ! Environment Surface and groundwater Natural water Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > PWFA – water PSUT use table (Table B) Environment Treated Wastewater T8 – Discharges of treated wastewater a ! Surface and groundwater T2 – Abstraction of surface and groundwater T3 – Abstraction of sea water Natural water T4 – PWS by sector
Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > PWFA – Emissions to water PSUT Direct emissions to water To NACE 37 Working Group Environmental Accounts - Meeting of 9 March 2015 Point 6.2 of the agenda : Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015)
T8 – Generation of pollutants by sector Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > PWFA – Emissions to water supply table (Table C) Emissions Direct emissions to water To NACE 37 T8 – Generation of pollutants by sector Working Group Environmental Accounts - Meeting of 9 March 2015 Point 6.2 of the agenda : Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015)
Environment NACE E T8 – Discharges of wastewater Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > PWFA – Emissions to water use table (Table D) Emissions T8 – Discharges of wastewater Environment NACE E Working Group Environmental Accounts - Meeting of 9 March 2015 Point 6.2 of the agenda : Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015)
no opening/closing stock of water resources; no soil water; Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > Summing up Asset accounts: no opening/closing stock of water resources; no soil water; discoveries of water in aquifers are not available most of the items from Table 1; returns can be obtained from Table 8 (discharges of urban wastewater, industrial wastewater and agricultural wastewater) and Table 2 (water returned without use); abstraction is available from Table 3; the response rate is above 50% for most of the items (available from the JQ-IW). Working Group Environmental Accounts - Meeting of 9 March 2015 Point 6.2 of the agenda : Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015)
Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > Summing up PWFA – Water PSUT: no soil water, no detail for water related products (steam and hot water), no water incorporated in products. Supply table: Flows within the economy: only water from the public water system and wastewater fluxes. Flows from the economy to the environment: no disaggregated information by NACE for the supply table. Use table: Detailed overview of the water abstracted by sector, of the water supplied by the public water system to the other sectors of the economy and of the total discharges (including losses) to the environment. Good coverage of flows from the environment to economy and within economy. Unsufficient (detailed) coverage of flows from the economy to the environment. Working Group Environmental Accounts - Meeting of 9 March 2015 Point 6.2 of the agenda : Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015)
PWFA – Emissions to water PSUT: Mapping the JQ - IW with water accounts > Summing up PWFA – Emissions to water PSUT: all the information required from table 8; the information on the destination of water emissions (to water or to NACE 37) is not directly available; use table: this information can only partially be derived from the JQ-IW.. Data availability is quite low. Working Group Environmental Accounts - Meeting of 9 March 2015 Point 6.2 of the agenda : Doc. ENV/ACC/WG/06.2 (2015)