Welcome to Jeopardy!
Another Presentation © 2002 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon nygiantsbigblue@yahoo.com
Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!
Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2
Washington Political Parties Which Prez? Louisiana Purchase Jackson Misc. Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
What do we call examples that later people follow? $100 What do we call examples that later people follow?
$100 precedents Scores
$200 What speech said we would not get involved in the war between France and Britain?
Neutrality Proclamation (1793) $200 Neutrality Proclamation (1793) Scores
What 2 things did Washington say to avoid in his Farewell Address? $300 What 2 things did Washington say to avoid in his Farewell Address?
Political parties and entangling alliances $300 Political parties and entangling alliances Scores
Who was Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury? $400 Who was Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury?
$400 Alexander Hamilton Scores
What was the uprising of farmers on the frontier called? $500 What was the uprising of farmers on the frontier called?
$500 Whiskey Rebellion Scores
What political party was the party of the common people? $100 What political party was the party of the common people?
$100 Republican Scores
Who was the leader of the Republican Party? $200 Who was the leader of the Republican Party?
$200 Thomas Jefferson Scores
$300 What political party called for strict interpretation of the Constitution? - It meant that the government can only do what the Constitution specifically said it could.
$300 Republican Scores
Daily Double
Which political party was in favor of a protective tariff? $400 Which political party was in favor of a protective tariff?
$400 Federalists Scores
Which political party favored France? $500 Which political party favored France?
$500 Republican Scores
Which President was in office when the XYZ Affair took place? $100 Which President was in office when the XYZ Affair took place?
$100 Adams Scores
What President sent Lewis and Clark on their journey? $200 What President sent Lewis and Clark on their journey?
$200 Jefferson Scores
Who was President during the Era of Good Feelings? $300 Who was President during the Era of Good Feelings?
$300 Monroe Scores
$400 Who defeated Jackson in the election Jackson called the “corrupt bargain”?
$400 John Quincy Adams Scores
$500 The Judiciary Act set up the national court system when who was President?
$500 Washington Scores
What country did we buy the Louisiana Territory from? $100 What country did we buy the Louisiana Territory from?
$100 France Scores
What was the price of the Louisiana Purchase? $200 What was the price of the Louisiana Purchase?
$200 $15 million Scores
Who was the Native American guide for Lewis and Clark? $300 Who was the Native American guide for Lewis and Clark?
$300 Sacagawea Scores
What river did much of the Lewis and Clark expedition occur on? $400 What river did much of the Lewis and Clark expedition occur on?
$400 Missouri Scores
$500 What treaty with Spain guaranteed that Americans could trade in New Orleans?
$500 Pinckney Scores
What was Jackson’s nickname? $100 What was Jackson’s nickname?
$100 Old Hickory Scores
$200 What was it called when Jackson provided government jobs for his supporters even if they were not qualified?
$200 Spoils system Scores
$300 In the nullification crisis, what state threatened to secede from the United States?
$300 South Carolina Scores
$400 What tribe was forced to move west at gunpoint during the Trail of Tears?
$400 Cherokee Scores
$500 Who was President of the Bank of the United States and battled with President Jackson?
$500 Nicholas Biddle Scores
Who was sent to explore the Louisiana Purchase? $100 Who was sent to explore the Louisiana Purchase?
$100 Lewis and Clark Scores
What term means pride in your country? $200 What term means pride in your country?
$200 nationalism Scores
Who invented interchangeable parts? $300 Who invented interchangeable parts?
$300 Eli Whitney Scores
Who smuggled ideas for factories from Great Britain? $400 Who smuggled ideas for factories from Great Britain?
$400 Samuel Slater Scores
A change from farming to manufacturing characterizes what event? $500 A change from farming to manufacturing characterizes what event?
Industrial Revolution $500 Industrial Revolution Scores
Washington Section alism Political parties War of 1812 Jackson Potpourri Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
What do we call examples made for later people to follow? $200 What do we call examples made for later people to follow?
$200 precedents Scores
What were Washington’s advisors called? $400 What were Washington’s advisors called?
$400 cabinet Scores
$600 What treaty said that Britain would pay for the ships they had captured?
$600 Jay’s Treaty Scores
Who was Washington’s Secretary of State? $800 Who was Washington’s Secretary of State?
$800 Thomas Jefferson Scores
$1000 What advisor of Washington said that the government bonds should be paid off regardless if speculators became rich?
$1000 Alexander Hamilton Scores
Who was the spokesperson for the South? $200 Who was the spokesperson for the South?
$200 John C. Calhoun Scores
Daily Double
What region of the country was most for a protective tariff? $400 What region of the country was most for a protective tariff?
$400 North Scores
Who was the spokesperson for the West? $600 Who was the spokesperson for the West?
$600 Henry Clay Scores
Who was the spokesperson for the North? $800 Who was the spokesperson for the North?
$800 Daniel Webster Scores
$1000 What region of the country was most democratic (all people were equal)?
$1000 West Scores
Who was the leader of the original Republican Party? $200 Who was the leader of the original Republican Party?
$200 Thomas Jefferson Scores
Who was the leader of the original Federalist Party? $400 Who was the leader of the original Federalist Party?
$400 Alexander Hamilton Scores
What was the party of the common people? $600 What was the party of the common people?
$600 Republican Scores
What name did the Federalist Party later become known as? $800 What name did the Federalist Party later become known as?
$800 Whigs Scores
$1000 What political party called for strict interpretation of the Constitution?
$1000 Republican Scores
Who was the American leader at the Battle of New Orleans? $200 Who was the American leader at the Battle of New Orleans?
$200 Andrew Jackson Scores
What American city was burned during the War of 1812? $400 What American city was burned during the War of 1812?
$400 Washington D.C. Scores
Daily Double
$600 What was the main cause, other than the War Hawks, for the War of 1812?
Impressment of American sailors $600 Impressment of American sailors Scores
$800 What were senators from the south and west who wanted the War of 1812 called?
$800 War Hawks Scores
$1000 What Native American joined Native American tribes on the frontier into a confederacy to fight against settlers before the War of 1812?
$1000 Tecumseh Scores
$200 The spoils system provided Jackson with an unqualified cabinet. His real advisors were called the…
$200 Kitchen Cabinet Scores
Who defeated Jackson in the corrupt bargain? $400 Who defeated Jackson in the corrupt bargain?
$400 John Quincy Adams Scores
What did the South call the protective tariff passed under Jackson? $600 What did the South call the protective tariff passed under Jackson?
Tariff of Abominations $600 Tariff of Abominations Scores
$800 During the bank war, who were 2 of the people that were against Jackson?
$800 Biddle, Clay, Webster Scores
What tribe did Jackson push west in the Trail of Tears? $1000 What tribe did Jackson push west in the Trail of Tears?
$1000 Cherokee Scores
What is another term that we used for a foreigner? $200 What is another term that we used for a foreigner?
$200 alien Scores
What year was the Erie Canal finished in? $400 What year was the Erie Canal finished in?
$400 1825 Scores
What city did Lewis and Clark start in? $600 What city did Lewis and Clark start in?
$600 St. Louis or St. Charles Scores
What was the best type of bridge (cheap and long lasting)? $800 What was the best type of bridge (cheap and long lasting)?
$800 Covered bridge Scores
What told Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere? $1000 What told Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere?
$1000 Monroe Doctrine Scores
Final Jeopardy Question Foreign affairs Final Jeopardy Question Scores
Who was the foreign minister of France we had to repeatedly negotiate with in the late 1790’s / early 1800’s?
Talleyrand Scores