November 13 Reality check time!
November This week: 4 full days left, including today Next week: Thanksgiving: 2 full days, 1 early release Last week: 5 full days Total: 11 full days
December First week: 5 full days Second week: 5 full days Third week: 3 full days, 1 early release day Balance: Happy holidays! Total: 13 full days
January First week: 3 full days Second week: 4 full days, 1 day for class or TMEs Third week: testing all week Total: 7 full, possibly 8, prior to testing END OF FALL SEMESTER Fourth week: 1 holiday, 2 workdays, 2 full days And second semester continues….
Summation November: 11 full days December: 13 full days January 7-8 full days Total: 31-32 full days…6 + weeks of school That means…two weeks less than usual for the rest of the semester
Reality That means that we need to cram in everything in 25% less time. Yeah. Value time…we don’t get extra. Ever.