0830-0900 Any Semester Student (2-5) Clinical Orientation The Valley Foundation School of Nursing San José State University Spring 2019 Add/Drop Orientation Schedule Add / Drop Only Thursday January 24, 2019 – HB 401 0830-0900 Any Semester Student (2-5) Add/Drop is for students who are not registered in a course and need an add code Clinical Orientation January 24 & 25 2019 Faculty will contact student clinical groups via email to arrange a meeting time for clinical orientation. Please be sure your email address is correct with the School of Nursing office. Clinical orientations may be on campus or at your clinical site. Update all Castlebranch documentation by January 10, 2019. Advanced Placement RN to BSN Orientation Wednesday January 16, 2019 - HB 311 3rd floor Skills lab 0830-1200 Update all Castlebranch documentation by January 10, 2019. Orientation (information sessions only) Thursday January 24, 2019 - Student Union Room 2A and B 0900-1000 Semester 2 & 4 1015-1115 Semester 3 & 5 0830-1130 Semester 6 HESI EXAM & 1200-1400 Orientation HB106 Orientation is mandatory for all students in semesters 2-6 and the first day of nursing classes. New Student Orientation Tuesday January 22, 2019 - BBC 004 1000-1545 Semester 1 Update all Castlebranch documentation by January 10, 2019. If you have any questions please call the SON office 408-924-3131