John Overton Comprehensive High School Name of Student Research Topic Date of Presentation John Overton Comprehensive High School
About Me Defining Moments in Education Positive moments Negative moments
Future Goals in Education Post-secondary? University/Community College/Training Program
Career Plans What career most interests you at this point? How is your post-graduation plan contributing to your preferred career?
Personal Interest in Your Research Topic Answer why you are interested in the topic you chose. Provide substantial reasoning for your interest! Describe the positive and negative aspects of your choice.
Your Experiences with the Research Topic Formal, signed “hours” form, if you have one…just describe your experience. If you don’t have formal hours, a description of the time you have spent “experiencing” your topic.
Product What did you do for a product? How does this relate to your topic?
Capstone Evaluation What is your ultimate view on Capstone class? Positive? Negative? Both? Which parts?