CNL Training & Contractor Site Orientation On-line CNL Training & Contractor Site Orientation
Update for Online Contractor Site Orientation (CSO) Progress to date In the process of building the CSO pilot program for testing The content of the online session is complete Finalizing logistics with ISN for the CNL Supplier Code of Conduct and contractor acknowledgment of completed courses Finalizing the process for communication between CNL, ISN and the contractors Finalizing the process for badging with the online courses
Update for Group 4 Radiation Protection (G4) Training Progress to date for G4 that differs from CSO Investigating how the Nuclear Energy Worker Form can be down loaded and the completed signed copy can be provided to CNL Identifying how and when the green TLD is issued How the Supply Chain will be recording the information Changes to the renewal process and frequency are being considered
Schedule for Online CSO and the G4 Training Roll out of the pilot programs and going live Roll out to begin testing the CSO and G4 Training pilot programs with contractor feedback to start in June 2018 Identifying and inviting contractors to participate in the pilot programs Invites begin today Approaching the identified contractors from different categories within ISN by the end of May to participate
Schedule for Online CSO and the G4 Training Durations of the pilot program and going live September/October 2018 to complete the pilot program October/November 2018 begin the process of going live September/November 2019 systems and processes integrated with contractors up to date