TOI Unity 5.0 Per-Subscriber Conversation Settings
New Per-Subscriber Conversation Settings TOI Unity 5.0 New Per-Subscriber Conversation Settings Jason Swager UCBU Unity Developer
Module Introduction This module will cover some of the new per-subscriber conversation features in Unity 5.0. Some of the settings are new settings that can be accessed via the SA. NOTE: Some of these settings may also be also available in the CPCA. Those will be discussed in a different TOI.
New Per-Subscriber Conversation Settings
Per-Subscriber Conversation Settings List of new per-subscriber settings Phone Command Interdigit Timeout Address First – Record First Fast-Forward and Rewind Times Messages sent upon hangup
Per-Subscriber Conversation Settings (cont.) Phone Command Interdigit Timeout Now exposed on the SA on a per-subscriber basis. In 4.2, this was hidden from the SA and only accessible from Bulk Edit.
Per-Subscriber Conversation Settings (cont.) Address First – Record First Originally a system-wide setting in 4.2, this setting is now a per-subscriber settings.
Per-Subscriber Conversation Settings (cont.) Fast-forward and Rewind Times For those subscriber that want fine-tune control over the length of their fast-forward and rewind jumps.
Per-Subscriber Conversation Settings (cont.) Messages sent upon hangup Enabled by default, this is there for those people that want to explicitly send each message.